Wow, the end of the school year just sucked up all my time and welp, hadn't visited for a while. In post retirement failure news, the school I was teaching at experienced an enrollment drop over the past few years and as COVID relief $ ran out, the principal had to make some adjustments and I and 4 other teachers were let go.
Never fear, another principal called me and asked me to apply for a 7th grade science position at his school, so I did and was promptly hired for next school year. I'm pondering adding another endorsement to my teaching license so that when I renew it for the last time in 3 years, I can be a more valuable potential teacher until I actually do finally retire.
But that's not what some of you want to it?
Teacher and I both survived the end of our school years and then headed to Kansas for a quick trip to see my brother and sister in law and listen to some fine bluegrass music and adjust our bodies to a bit of extended vehicle travel. We had a fantastic time and enjoyed seeing my little brother.
Which brought us to an epic 3500 mile, 2 week camping trip to see my oldest son, his partner, their dogs and their new home. The biggest challenge was finding a place for little Molly to stay while we were gone. Teacher's long time dog-sitter unexpectedly passed away this spring so it was a pretty big issue. I called my parents and asked them if they though they could take care of a 15 year old little dog. Of course they said they would. We had to laugh as my mom sent us a picture from the first night with little Molly already sleeping on Grammy's bed!
We just took our time and following a loose plan and just had a fantastic time. We saw many wonderful sights of epic landscapes of mountains, deserts, forests, oceans and lakes. We spent 9 nights in a new-to-us rooftop tent and well, neither of us fell off the ladder! We actually slept quite well and woke each morning to campground espresso prepared by the fine little mocha pot and my campstove! We didn't see Bigfoot, but that was okay.
The only concerning issue was meeting my son's adopted Belgian Malamois (sp?). We needn't have been concerned. He took to us like we had been around him all of his life and I laughed at how my son's jaw dropped when the big lug came and gave me a lick on the face and sat on my lap. The dog actually liked Teacher even better than me. If he hadn't of weighed 85 pounds, I think Teacher would have tried to smuggle him home with us!
Our return took us on a slightly different route and we again marveled at the beauty of the western United States and had our breath taken away upon every turn of the highway.
Molly and Grammy and Pop got along well. We all returned home, tired and happy and with a strong desire to just turn the pickup north and keep going along with the trip!
[This message edited by countrydirt at 12:54 AM, Friday, June 28th]