Topic is Sleeping.
number4 (original poster member #62204) posted at 4:04 AM on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022
Really??? Today's word? Do any of you actually use it regularly? Took me 5.
Me: BWHim: WHMarried - 30+ yearsTwo adult daughters1st affair: 2005-20072nd-4th affairs: 2016-2017Many assessments/polygraph: no sex addictionStatus: R
Tallgirl ( member #64088) posted at 8:30 PM on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022
Got it in 4 today. It’s been tough the last few dayss. Never used yesterday’s word like ever
[This message edited by Tallgirl at 8:31 PM, Sunday, April 3rd]
number4 (original poster member #62204) posted at 8:12 PM on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022
aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... my first fail today in weeks. I want a do over.
Me: BWHim: WHMarried - 30+ yearsTwo adult daughters1st affair: 2005-20072nd-4th affairs: 2016-2017Many assessments/polygraph: no sex addictionStatus: R
little turtle ( member #15584) posted at 9:46 PM on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022
I failed today's too.
Failure is success if we learn from it.
zebra25 ( member #29431) posted at 9:50 PM on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022
I got it in four but my first word gave me three correct letters. My H didn't get it either.
"Don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces."
D-day April 2010
The1stWife ( Guide #58832) posted at 10:26 PM on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022
I had 3 correct letters in correct spot - DID NOT solve it. 5 tries - none were correct.
Survived two affairs and brink of Divorce. Happily reconciled. 11 years out from Dday. Reconciliation takes two committed people to be successful.
emergent8 ( member #58189) posted at 10:50 PM on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022
1st wife - I know exactly which 3 letters you had as I had them too. I finally picked the right combo on my fourth guess (6/6) - whew indeed.
Me: BS. Him: WS.
D-Day: Feb 2017 (8 m PA with married COW).
Happily reconciled.
grubs ( member #77165) posted at 12:09 AM on Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
I had 3 correct letters in correct spot
I got lucky. I only hit 1 letter each on the first two guesses, so went for a fresh five letters on the third which hit another two letters. It was easy from there.
number4 (original poster member #62204) posted at 1:35 AM on Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
I had 3 correct letters in correct spot - DID NOT solve it. 5 tries - none were correct.
Wow... that's frustrating.
OK, I didn't get today's, but I did get 'ample' a couple of days ago, I think in 3-4. I mean, ample? That could have been really hard.
Me: BWHim: WHMarried - 30+ yearsTwo adult daughters1st affair: 2005-20072nd-4th affairs: 2016-2017Many assessments/polygraph: no sex addictionStatus: R
Tallgirl ( member #64088) posted at 8:02 PM on Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
Anyone try waffle game or the quordle game?
grubs ( member #77165) posted at 8:09 PM on Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
Mathler, nerdle, quordle, wordle, & waffle are my typical dailies. Couldn't get into Anitwordle or Semantle.
Quordle wasn't my best with a 4-6-7-9, waffle was 3 stars, & wordle was a 3.
number4 (original poster member #62204) posted at 8:12 PM on Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
H does all the games and I can't keep their names straight. But he does Wordle, 2, 4, 8, and 16. And he does Nerdle. There's also a new one called Phrazzle, or something like that where you solve a three-word, word phrase, like 'apples and oranges'.
Pop the champagne, people!! 🍾 I got Wordle in 2 today. It's my first 2! Honestly, it's not an easy one - I just got lucky with my first guess where I got one letter and in the correct position, and was able to rule out other vowels.
Me: BWHim: WHMarried - 30+ yearsTwo adult daughters1st affair: 2005-20072nd-4th affairs: 2016-2017Many assessments/polygraph: no sex addictionStatus: R
Tallgirl ( member #64088) posted at 8:39 PM on Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
There is a canuckle too. I will try the others. Thx. 😀
Topic is Sleeping.