Topic is Sleeping.
BraveSirRobin (original poster member #69242) posted at 4:46 AM on Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Hi all,
Life is getting busy (in a good way), and so I'm going to take a break from SI for a while. It's possible that I'll check in from time to time, but I definitely won't be here enough to continue as a Guide. Mostly, I'm mentioning it because I don't want anyone to worry that something happened to me if they notice I've been off the grid.
SI has played such an important role in my life for the last three years that it feels like I'm graduating and heading off to college, leaving the familiarity of home behind. That's a sign of healing for me. I'm so grateful to everyone who helped me get this far.
PricklePatch ( member #34041) posted at 2:09 PM on Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Thanks for letting us know. Keep well!
BearlyBreathing ( member #55075) posted at 4:29 PM on Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Be well! You will be missed.
Me: BS 57 (49 on d-day)Him: *who cares ;-) *. D-Day 8/15/2016 LTA. Kinda liking my new life :-)
**horrible typist, lots of edits to correct. :-/ **
Chili ( member #35503) posted at 5:29 PM on Thursday, March 24th, 2022
But but but you'll still check in at Christmas time and sign up for the card exchange won't you? Huh? Huh? (nudge nudge knowhatimean say no more say no more?)
All the best to you and yours in this next stage BSR - no doubt your presence has helped others around here.
2012 pretty much sucked.
Things no longer suck.
Took off flying solo with the co-pilot chili dog.
"Life teaches you how to live it if you live long enough" - Tony Bennett
zebra25 ( member #29431) posted at 5:49 PM on Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Glad things are going in a good direction. You will be missed!!
"Don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces."
D-day April 2010
MIgander ( member #71285) posted at 12:11 AM on Friday, March 25th, 2022
I'll miss you BSR! Wishing you the best!
WW/BW Dday July 2019. BH/WH- multiple EA's. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Tallgirl ( member #64088) posted at 2:31 AM on Friday, March 25th, 2022
hikingout ( member #59504) posted at 2:40 AM on Friday, April 1st, 2022
I wondered where you went. I take it the new job has gone well. This is a great step. I enjoyed my time away. Now I just pop on and off randomly. It’s been good for me and I hope the same for you.
7 years of hard work - WS and BS - Reconciled
Squish ( member #79546) posted at 7:02 AM on Friday, April 1st, 2022
I’m glad things are going well for you. Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
Want2BHappyAgain ( member #45088) posted at 1:31 PM on Friday, April 1st, 2022
Welcome to the "other side"
!!! It is really HARD to stay on this site when you don't FEEL the way you did when you first came on. It is actually a GOOD thing
THANK YOU for all of the HELP you have given throughout the years...and I am so HAPPY to see you are healing
. You'll be back with POSITIVE stories to tell about how LIFE can be so GOOD again...and I am looking forward to reading ALL about them
A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
With God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
I AM happy again...It CAN happen!!!
From respect comes great love...sassylee
Topic is Sleeping.