I posted this on Reddit and got a few constructive comments, but mostly lots of vitriol (which I understand). I am hoping to get a more productive exchange here.
I have thought about this post for a long-time and am still having trouble composing it. Me typing this is the first time I have communicated about this. I am a long-time reader of this and other forums and that has helped me process my thoughts and emotions, but as you will read I am a mess and am looking for feedback from people who have real experiences on both sides of infidelity. I will try to keep this concise, but just getting this out has created a swirl of emotions that is pretty overwhelming.
I (early 50sM) and my wife (early 50sF) have been married over 30 years and have two adult children. Obviously we married relatively young. Almost 20 years ago I had an EA and PA with a co-worker (started when we were colleagues, but I switched jobs shortly after the affair started) and it lasted on and off (often would break for weeks / months due to work pressure, higher priorities, me losing interest and being afraid to break it off, etc) for approximately four years. My wife and I had been married for approximately seven years when it started. In retrospect, I am pretty sure my wife knows, but we have never discussed it. I realize that may seem crazy to many of you, but would be consistent with our relationship dynamics. My parents divorced when I was ten and I was a pretty wild kid (drinking, drugs, sex, etc.). I eventually settled down, but never really processed trauma from my childhood. Ultimately I got my shit together and went to college where I met my wife. She knows about some of my past, but we never really discussed body count. I was definitely her first (both sexually and real relationship) and in a way I think I often feel less than because I have way more baggage. We dated for only a year before marrying, had our first child three years after we married, and our second five years after that. We moved 2500 miles away when our first was almost two so I could attend graduate school and moved to our current area shortly before our second was born. For those who are doing the math the affair started shortly after the second child was born.
From the outside our marriage has always looked "perfect". My wife sacrificed her career to be a SAHM (her choice that I supported) as my profession had a much higher earnings potential. My career required working long hours for the first several years (still does at times), but has afforded us a very good life financially. In many ways my wife is a perfect complement to me. In some ways we are opposites in ways that are not complementary. I have always been more emotional even for minor things (e.g. crying during movies). I can count on one hand the times I have seen my wife cry including our wedding, childbirth, funerals, etc. The lack of emotion has always been hard when it comes to our relationship as I often interpret it (or used to) as apathy because I am wired so differently. From the start she has never criticized, been angry, shown hurt, etc. and does not talk about her feelings. I am not exaggerating when I say that we have never had a real argument / fight. She had a pretty idyllic upbringing and I have wondered if the lack of really hard times afforded fewer opportunities to verbalize feelings. My troubled youth is likely partially because I had I lot of anger towards my dad, tough blended family dynamics, financial stress, etc. I did not always process my feeling well growing up, but was over communicative and emotional.
The early years of marriage were hard for me and looking back I realize how young and immature I / we were. I would have strongly discouraged my kids if they were contemplating marriage at the same age I did, but at the time it seemed like the logical next step. I could never reconcile the lack of emotion with her being seemingly happy in our marriage and constantly wondered if the love she felt was just superficial, does she find me attractive or am I just a good catch as a provider, would she love all of me if she knew everything about me, etc. Compared to now, it is easy to say how bad our intimacy was initially, but in the early years I was not sure if it is because she was simply not attracted to me, if she was not comfortable with her own body (she was raised in a conservative religious family where pre-marital sex was a big no no), or if we were just sexually incompatible. Eventually I think I convinced myself that my wife was content in our marriage without the same emotions and attraction that I was feeling. We were starting to do very well financially and she was very involved as a mother. We were great at sharing parental duties and focused on the kids 100% with neither of us put any effort into our marriage. I think if you asked her she would have said everything was fine and she did not think we needed to work on anything. I had difficulty being vulnerable enough to communicate my needs so just fell into a day-to-day routine that looked great from the outside, but felt very hollow inside me. To be very clear, this is 100% on me and I only mention it for context and not as an excuse. I needed to communicate even if it was hard and instead I gradually buried my emotions.
From reading many of your experiences, I know how frustrating the "I cannot remember" answer is so I am trying to provide as much details about the affair as possible. If my wife wants to know I would spend as much time as needed to reconstruct & research to answer any questions she has. Trying to understand what I was thinking is difficult for me. I am not sure if I really thought having a fulfilling marriage that included emotional and physically intimacy was impossible or if I just convinced myself of that so I could be a cake eater. I remember thinking that we would divorce after the kids were through college and convinced myself that would be best for both of us as my wife would be set financially and could pursue someone she had strong emotions for.
My parents divorced due to my dad's infidelity and my relationship with him was always strained. How I ended up doing the same is one reason I have spent the last 20 years in my own personal hell. I think it took a few years for me to actually feel any emotions in my marriage again after the affair ran its course (nothing dramatic happened to end it as we both realized it was going nowhere). With work demands and being super involved with our kids, I think I was able to compartmentalize for a while as I do not remember being as tortured as I am now.
About ten years ago I took a couple years off so I could be at home with our youngest before they went to college and I started spending every day with my wife. I started working again right before the pandemic, but was remote (even before Covid) so have continued to be with my wife 24/7 most days. We have been empty nesters for the last six years and being together that much without kids as the focal point has dramatically changed me. I cannot pinpoint when and have difficulty describing this other than to say that I have fallen madly in love with my wife. I would say fallen madly in love with my wife "again", but the feelings I have are not at all comparable to what I felt when we first married. I think my wife would say she has always loved me. We still do not have any emotional talks (i.e. no arguments, no passion, etc.) and I have accepted that is just how she is wired.
With that context, I am slowly dying inside due to the guilt, shame, self-loathing, etc. and do not think it is "fixable". During the affair I had significant substance abuse that I hid from my wife (pretty sure this is an effort to numb the shame and guilt). Without getting too specific, the industry I work is rampant with functioning addicts. Similar to the affair I am pretty sure my wife knows there were substance issues, but it did not disrupt our lives so was out-of-sight / out-of-mind. I did out-patient recovery and have been on buprenorphine for the last 15 years, which has helped me not relapse. In lieu of harder drugs, I use edibles pretty regularly especially when I am spiraling. I try to over-compensate by providing financially, adopting her interests so we have more in common especially now that the kids are adults, not burdening her when I am feeling depressed, etc.; however, I do not want our relationship to be performative for the rest of our lives.
The fundamental question I have is how to move forward. I am totally open to both IC and MC, but question the efficacy if we are not addressing the elephant in the room. I do not know if my wife wants to (if she knows) or would want to (if she does not know) discuss the affair. I would do anything / everything as part of a reconciliation process and understand she may decide that is not something she wants. Absent a time machine I do not think I can find any internal peace and what I want is irrelevant. I do not have the words to describe how grateful I would be in a world where my wife wants to reconcile, but even if she were to honestly say she forgives, I will never be able to forgive myself. I feel guilty even thinking about what I would want from the process, but have difficulty envisioning a time where I do not think about the pain I caused even if my wife were to forgive me. I have always viewed my role as a provider and protector and not only did I not protect my wife, but I am the person she needed protection from.
I want a solution, but the best I can hope for is a chance to build something new with my wife. I would be all in to do that, but I am not sure how without putting everything on the table. My feelings are secondary, but the scariest thing about this mess I created is if my wife knows and does not care. We are two very different people than we were 20-30 years ago, but she still never talks about her feelings. If our situations were reversed I would have forced the discussion the minute I thought she was having an affair. The thought of her with someone else would break me so her never raising the issue makes me think she either does not know (lots of reasons I think this is unlikely), wants to rug sweep without a discussion because we have a very comfortable life that is perfect from the outside looking in, or she does not have feelings for me. The last point has worried me since long before the affair and her emotions towards me do not seem to have changed. With the benefit of hindsight and maturity I hate myself for not asking for counseling early in our marriage. I thought about it, but on the rare occasions where I tried to ask about what she thought of our marriage, how she felt towards me, etc. it was always "everything is great".
Maybe having the life we have (financially independent, kids are doing great, no arguments, etc) is enough for her and if so does forcing a discussion about this affair trigger hurt. I cannot do anything about the last 30 years, but would do anything to make the next 30+ years the best they can be. At its core, I worry that she cannot or will not love me when she knows everything about me especially because I feel only hate for myself.
I realize this is long and not very logically structured. That is a reflection of me not able to make sense of what I have done and what I should do. If I had a crystal ball and could see that the best thing for her is status quo I would do that. On almost every dimension she would likely say our relationship seems to be better than ever. Probably lots to do with just maturity and experience, but our intimacy is so much better physically than it was many years ago; however, I often get in my head because of the guilt / shame and it results in us being way less frequent than she would like. I have noticed a pattern where I go to my office under the guise of working after we have great sex and I cry because it triggers overwhelming feelings of guilt. It feels like our intimacy is 95% physical and lacks a deep emotional connection. We talk more than we ever had, but outside of talking about our adult kids the conversations are superficial. I am considering retiring and although we are "together" 24/7 right now that will mean an extra 10-12 hours each day that needs to be filled by something other than my work.
Looking for any advice from BPs and Waywards.