My own approach was that my W was not responsible for ow's attempts to reestablish contact, as long as W told me about it immediately and stayed NC. The ap was persistent enough that my W refused to answer the phone or open letters from ow. But W wasn't working, so there was no possibility for ow to contact her via work address or phone.
If necessary, a lawyer's letter stops some aps. a Restraining Order is sometimes necessary.
I think you're catastrophizing, though. The ap will probably give up if she doesn't get a response.
The thoughts you've described are normal, IMO. Being ambivalent about R makes sense - 6 year A, 4 months since a 2nd d-day, and 2 types of infidelity are very big concerns, as is your H's 'inability' to understand that he needs to take himself apart and put himself back together.
Most (IMO) WSes cheat to get external validation. The cure is to learn to validate themself, but that takes work that your H doesn't seem to be doing. But your H may be more complicated than that.
Can/have you told him something like, 'To R, you need to change from cheater to good partner. Tight now you look like a dry drunk to me. I see your new behaviors as punching a ticket rather than a true change. For me to stick around, you're going to have to convince me that you have expunged from your head, heart, and gut the thoughts that enabled you to conduct a 6 year A and hire prostitutes and replace them with thoughts that prevent further infidelities of all kinds and keep your commitments - physical and emotional - to me. How will you do that?'
I didn't have to ask that question, because my W said on d-day that she was committed to changing her ways of coping with life no matter what I decided to do.
I'm really sorry you have to deal with this.
You say you're committed to understanding what happened. What do you think that understanding will do for you, if you get it?
Have you considered D? What makes you want to R?
Most threads by BSes can live in more than one forum. Post where you think is best for you.
[This message edited by SI Staff at 5:14 PM, Tuesday, January 21st]