Y'all have listened patiently to me complain about my job for a long time. In 2017 things got so bad I started job seeking and couldn't find anything that I could physically do that also came close to the pay/benefits at my current job. So I stayed put, but all of the suckiest parts improved. I have loved my job more often than not. I have 18 years there total,12 years on my current hitch.
The past 2+ years have been really bad. First, our DON (Director of Nursing,and my direct supervisor) left and her replacement was the first "outside" candidate to have been hired as DON since I started in 2005. All of the others have been promoted from ADON so we had established relationships, respect and boundaries. I got off to a bad start as my chronic back issue flared up and I was out for about 6 weeks. At the first nurse management meeting she started out with, "I've been looking through things and the first problem I'm gonna address is this: I count 9 managers around this table but only 6 on this call schedule. That's fixing to change right now." I raised my hand and said, "Well,there are three of us with medical limitations which have been accommodated because we aren't able to work on the floor." She rolled her eyes, and since that day she has done everything in her power to roll over me and the other 2 nurses,to either force us to work on the floor or punish us because "It's not fair to the other nurse managers."
I'm almost 58, the other 2 are 62 and 68. We've put in our time doing the hard stuff. I've been a nurse for 36 years. My accommodations were accepted by the company after my back surgery in 2015. The other 2 "oldies" have violated their own restrictions but I refuse. Lifting, bending, standing, and/or walking could paralyze me. I'm not risking that for anyone.
So more and more new duties have been dumped on me. Its become very clear that she is not qualified for the job. I quit going to her with any issues because her response was, "I'm going to let you head that up." I had 3 major programs added to me, while also still needing to get my actual work done within CMS required timelines. Whenever a new person started in our region, they were sent to train with me. So back in January our administrator decided to reopen our main dining room on weekends, after it being closed throughout COVID. During the week the MDR is staffed by 3 department heads, 2 dietary aides and they have help transporting patients to and from.on weekends, there are 2 managers and 2 CNAs or other personnel. Its 1.5 to 2 hours of standing, walking, bending... All the stuff I'm not supposed to do. I agreed to try and it was HORRIBLE. I could hardly bear weight on my foot when I left. Then we were required to take the staffing phone for the weekend that we were working. But with no compensation. I went to the administrator about that and said I wasn't going to work without being paid, especially since another one of the DON's edicts was that I was no longer allowed to work from home.
In April, one of my subordinates left. Since then, it's been me and L (the 62 year old) managing work that should have 4 people to be adequately staffed. I have averaged 48-50 hours per week since April. I waited since February for a foot surgery that my surgeon strongly recommended. When I finally scheduled it, we discovered my 2nd metatarsal had been broken for an unknown period. So I'd been walking around on a broken foot,working ten hour days, worrying about JM, worrying about our son who has epilepsy. Oh, and my part time job too. So you can imagine my mental health has also taken a hit. I am currently seeing a psychiatrist, a counselor, and a trauma specialist.
Which brings us up to the week before my surgery. I found out I'd not only been passed over AGAIN for a promotion for which I am extremely well qualified, but I had literally drawn up a proposal for this position and submitted it to regional staff 3 years ago. So I expressed to DON that I was stung by that decision. She LAUGHED IN MY FACE. Said that with my physical limitations, family drama and mental issues I would never be considered for a regional job. Then I found out she had finally hired 2 people for my department without even introducing us. And planned their start dates to coincide with my time off. As neither of them have any experience, it didn't make sense to me. I asked my DON if she could explain the decision making there. She said, "You want the brutal truth? Because you are toxic and that office is toxic. I don't want you anywhere near these new hires." Apparently her plan is to have our offices spaced all over the building with no direct contact.
So... I started fooling around on Indeed and Glassdoor. And now I have a job offer that is 10 miles closer to home and $1.25 an hour more than my current pay. I have worked with this DON before and she is competent and professional.
I can't give notice while I am on FMLA. And we are going through a huge Medicare audit at my current job and nobody else knows how to compile and summarize the records to justify the amount billed. (Not for lack of my trying to teach others).
I'd be a idiot to turn down the new opportunity wouldn't I?