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Divorce/Separation :
Online divorce - anyone use Untie the Knot?

Topic is Sleeping.

 Tallgirl (original poster member #64088) posted at 3:00 PM on Saturday, November 19th, 2022

Curious if anyone has experience with Untie the Knot? Any recommendations or advice?

Standing tall

posts: 2232   ·   registered: Jun. 11th, 2018
id 8765944

hurtbs ( member #10866) posted at 3:26 AM on Sunday, November 20th, 2022

I cannot speak to that service specifically, but I have used online legal resources in the past. My recommendation is that if there is *any* complexity or hostility to your divorce (e.g. custody of children, a lot of assets, etc.) then you need to hire a lawyer.

Me - 40 something. WXH DDay 2006, Divorced 2012
WBF DDay #1 9/2022 #2 11/2022

posts: 15762   ·   registered: Jun. 1st, 2006   ·   location: So Cal
id 8766026

leafields ( Guide #63517) posted at 4:40 AM on Sunday, November 20th, 2022

I didn't use a service. I went through the county clerk's office. Even if you go through a service, you still have to pay for all the county clerk fees. Most of the paperwork is available online.

Our kids see adults, we decided who got what debts and split the proceeds from selling the house.

BW M 34years, Dday 1: March 2018, Dday 2: August 2019, D final 2/25/21

posts: 4234   ·   registered: Apr. 21st, 2018   ·   location: Washington State
id 8766030

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 3:41 PM on Monday, November 21st, 2022

we decided who got what debts

Just keep in mind that the creditor (owner of the debt) might have to agree to the new ownership of the debt, and that a lot of debt incurred during the marriage is considered marital debt even if taken out by one spouse. I would want written confirmation from all parties, and that any debt that could be considered marital be paid off with whatever assets are available.
For example: If your husband has a credit-card in his name and it carried a debt of 10k you want to be 100% clear the credit-card issuer acknowledges it’s his debt and hasn’t been used for marital benefits. Like if he took out 5k of the 10 to fix the marital home = probably marital debt.

We have had an occasional poster pop up here where the former spouse has forfeit on a debt and the collectors are knocking at the door. Chances are you would have to pay, but then have the option of suing the ex for the amount. Seeing as how the ex didn’t pay the original debt then good luck with that!

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12873   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8766152
Topic is Sleeping.
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