Oh and one thing previously not disclosed came up yesterday. Out of the blue STBXW told me the fucker grabbed her hand and put it on his dong in their car session. That's why she run away. She didn't tell me because she didn't want me to go kill him. I am contemplating what to do with this new info
What you should be doing with this information is thinking about what it will do to you when you are once again fully invested in your relationship with her and "feeling safe", and then you learn additional bad things she did that she held back, lied, and minimized, only telling you at her convenience when she thinks it is okay for you to know.
I don't mean to say "I told you so" - but I will re-iterate: The only thing you can absolutely count on with cheaters is that they will lie and there is always more and/or worse than whatever they admitted to.
You have zero chance at getting to the real truth from your wife/ex-wife without a timeline under threat of polygraph.
She hasn't done the work, she hasn't put in the time, and every indication to me, despite protestations to the otherwise, is that she is simply trying to get/stay out of trouble, even if that means divorcing and (she hopes) remarrying - because telling you the whole story will cause you to leave her forever.
This further detail does not indicate the remorse and honesty one needs in a successful reconciliation. Be prepared for more "trickle truth" which really just equals "an extended period of lying which will eat at the betrayed spouse".
If that is as she said, she needs to report sexual harassment or straight up sexual assault. Any actions less than that is just protecting the other guy.
How would that go?
Dear Sexual Harassment Authorities - I was cheating on my husband with this other man which included constant love-talk and messages, making out, and stealing off to his car where he could get under my clothes. And then while we were in the car, he had the nerve to think I would touch his penis! I am totally sexually harassed, please take appropriate action against this man who I willingly did all of this stuff with.
I think Sharkman put it better:
I disagree. She was in the car making out with him. He made a move that was consistent with what one may expect in that situation. She continued to date him afterwards.
Now, it COULD have been assault, but the crux of the issue is that she is still holding information back from Fibble. It’s almost always under the guise of ‘protecting’ their spouse.
She’s not as good of a candidate for reconciliation as I thought she may have been.
One thing you know for sure is that she removed herself from the situation when it became too hot for her to handle.
Really? We "know this"? I don't understand how the words of liars and cheaters are considered fact.
All we really know is that A) She cheated, B) When confronted she lied and deleted information and C) she has continued lying and holding back information.
That we "know for sure".
To your wife's credit, she has responded in a way to show that she is endeavoring to help you in your decisions.
She has? Further lying? Trickle truth? Erratic behavior followed by I guess okay behavior followed by weird behavior with her colleagues followed by more trickle truth?
Mr. Flibble - I guess it comes back to you being comfortable with moving on with her feeling that you know "enough". Just know that you'll never know it all.
One tried and true cheater technique is to "lie specifically". For example if the question is "did you have sex?" maybe a cheater leaves out blowjobs, handjobs, penetrations, sexting, dirty talk, videos/photos, and all sort of rubbing and any other act short of penis in vagina sex. See? It's the truth!
Your wife telling you that she left out the part of the story where he tried to put her hand on his dick, because she was afraid you might kill him? That is pure unmitigated bullshit.
Also, I absolutely would question that story as told by her. He grabbed her hand and put it on his dick? Sounds sketchy and unrealistic.
It sounds more like to me that she is trying to soft-peddle that she touched his dick during their private petting session(s) by making it sound like "he made her do it", and then even if she admits that she actually touched his dick herself, she will minimize what she actually did.
Try to view her stories through the lens of "If my buddy told me that his wife said this to him, would I believe it?". That will give you more clarity.
And Dude. When two adults privately get into a car to fuck around, they fuck around. She did not get into a car with him to admire the upholstery.
[This message edited by faithfulman at 2:27 PM, February 27th (Saturday)]