I am so sorry ((Stu23))
I think after she saw the proposal was real she began to try and cover this up. I mean if you knew the truth would you have gone through with the engagement. She never really gave you an option by giving you all of the information you needed to decide if you wanted to still M her or not. She lied and duped you into Ming her. I understand that must feel extremely upsetting to you. At the end of the day that is the issue you have with her. She did not tell you the truth. She lied. She has proven to you she is not who you thought she was when you married her. She accepted your proposal under false pretenses.
You mentioned enough about your W for me to know that there are deep traumas in her past too. Often times a person acting from a deep sense of personal pain cannot act like a somewhat more healthy person could do. In a bubblegum psychology take on it would be that her traumas have caused her to resent men in general. Any man close to her in her life will play the role of a man who has hurt her deeply in the past. Sadly Stu that was/is you. She was doing anything to you in particular, she was trying to get even with all of those guys over the years that victimized her. She wanted to feel less like a victim and more like a perpetrator. In her messed up mindset those are the only two roles available. Sleeping with you on a first date isn't a good sign either. Most women or even girls wouldn't act that way.
She was and still is to some extent "broken." There isn't a better way to say it. She is going to have to work far enough along before you could work at repairing this M.
It seems that right now you are leaning towards working it out and that is very admirable of you. You have to decide if there is enough to save and weigh that against the cost of what you will have to endure to get there.
Nothing and I mean no amount of a traumatized past gives her a pass on her behavior. It can explain it enough that you could see how it was possible, but it never excuses her responsibility in this, ever.
At some point your M could be good again and you won't think about this as often. You will never forget so that leads to this next point.
Your telling me to lock it away sounds easy, I CAN’T. I’m too close to the information at this time.
Since you are never going to forget something so traumatizing, for the rest of your lives, if the memory is hurting you, you have to lean on your W to help you through it. You know as you would in a healthy M about other topics. You don't use it to bash her, but you communicate you are feeling down thinking about it and she helps you. After all, she caused it, she could do that much. She can be redeemed through that too. That isn't today, that is a long time from now. Today you have to get some counseling and your wife, on some levels, needs counseling most urgently. IC for both before MC. MC isn't going to work for either of you until the traumas of the past can be examined and mitigated. MC is about the M going forward, IC is about working through the past so it doesn't follow you into the future.
Right not you are looking at events of the past with a "normal" mindset. It will never make sense logically because it isn't logical. Your W has never had that normal mindset. People with that mindset do not do the things she has done and carry on their lives. The guilt would eat them alive from the inside out.
FWIW- I thought our relationship was over is not a valid explanation. I am sure, right now, it looks like your M could be over. Does that mean you hop into the sack with the first willing woman? No it doesn't. Your W has had 10 years to justify this in her head and find a way to explain it away. She at first, is going to feed you that crap she has fed herself. Reject them all because I can tell you they are most likely crap.
Both you should talk to counselor individually ASAP. Only once this trauma calms down can you incorporate this history into your M. That alone is a lot of work, but if you love her it could be worth it.
As far as she did things with him that she would no do with you. That is something that plagues a lot of guys. I have never heard of or been told a rational or even an emotional explanation that even partially addresses it. Trust me I have looked. Everywhere.
One small comfort right now is that your W didn't have children with him or choose to stay faithful to him for ten years either. As much as we men think, looks don't always matter as much as character does to a woman. Think about this when you got engaged she had such a low opinion of men in general that she used and abused them. Over the past 10 years you have proven to her that there are some men out there who aren't bad at all. In fact they are everything a man is supposed to be. In essence your behaviors made her change her beliefs and showed her what a real man was all about. In this one area you've made so much progress, won a very large battle. It is not easy for someone with these kinds of problems to stay with someone for this long unless they are really special and more than worth it. Remember that next time you get angry. Also remember, don't let this experience change the good guy you are. Don't become too angry, abusive (vis-a-vis) the rough stuff in bed you mentioned).
The way I see it man, you got character in spades and a lot of women find that very attractive. The other guy doesn't have that and if you could find him today I'd bet you find a lonely washed A$$hole with no kids to carry on his legacy and a reputation he has earned through his actions. He is scum, don't compare yourself to scum. It is easy to see who the better man is.
You've earned the opposite reputation, no matter where your M ends up, don't through that away over something that was outside of your control.
Sorry for the length. I can tell you are hurting and hopefully some things I have said help you a bit.
PM me if you want to. When I was in your similar shoes I had some BH offer PM support. Happy to pay that forward.