I really hope that your wife can get to a place where she fully comprehends the damage done by her past actions. It sounds like she can't yet. If you're still hearing dismissive things like 'it's ancient history', 'I'm not the same person anymore', 'let it go', etc., then she's got some work to do.
It IS "Ancient History." But it's your Marriage History, and the memories of it were sacred to you.
Now Chapter 1, The Proposal, has been horribly revised. The sordid details are pretty painful, but more than that, it's the shocking disrespect of you by her on your first day of marital engagement that is really far more troubling, right?
She's got to fully own that, not avoid it or diminish it. It IS serious, and her aversion to acknowledging that fact might even give you reasons to suspect other possible betrayals you've not discovered. (I really hope that's not the case, but she's not helping herself by discounting your pain...)
One last thing, between us Betrayeds.
All of us, whether we were cheated on the day of our engagement, or 30 years into a marriage, are forced to reckon with the horror of Marriage History revisions.
An affair ten years into a marriage bleeds backwards in time and stains every single page in our marriage history prior to it. The stain is worst where the betrayal took place, but it taints everything before it regardless.
First Date. Courtship. Proposal. Wedding. Honeymoon. They're all discolored, all damaged by an act of infidelity. For all of us.
I can no longer look back on my own proposal night, made on bent knee in a Thai restaurant with the best little diamond ring I could afford to offer, without feeling a little stab of pain. However sacred that memory was to me, however precious that moment was once, it wasn't enough to keep my wife from straying several years later. We're fully reconciled, and she's a different woman now. The stain has faded, but it's never coming out. We both have to live with that, and never let it happen again.
I really do hope for you that your wife will fully acknowledge, and truly repent, of that horrible early stain she left in the earliest chapter of your Marriage History. If she does, and has left no others since, then I do hope you can forgive it and limit the damage it does to the pages past. Because when you're old and looking back together, you deserve to have a Marriage History full of joyful memories, not painful ones.
We all do.