Onlyinfairytales (original poster new member #85996) posted at 8:34 PM on Monday, March 24th, 2025
Hey all, I was wondering if anyone suffered from high anxiety which led on to claustrophobia.
If so what helped you overcome it?
The doctor has recommended taking medication but I’m going back to therapy for now and was looking into hypnotherapy. I’m scared about being reliant on the tablets.
I’d appreciate it if anyone has any advice or is happy to share their experiences if they’ve experienced something similar.
BallofAnxiety ( member #82853) posted at 8:44 PM on Monday, March 24th, 2025
Hi and welcome!
I never experienced claustrophobia, but I did experience extreme anxiety and panic attacks post Dday (discovery day). The effects were so much that I eventually received a PTSD diagnosis.
I think it's very common and reasonable to experience anxiety after discovering your partner has been unfaithful. This person was supposed to be the one you relied upon and they turned out to be the least trustworthy.
You've just got to get through the early stages and if your doctor prescribes a medicine that can help it might be a good idea to give it a try.
Me: BW. XWH: ONS 2006; DDay 12/2022 "it was only online," trickle truth until 1/2023 - "it was 1 year+ affair with MCOW." Divorced 4/2024.
SacredSoul33 ( member #83038) posted at 10:58 PM on Monday, March 24th, 2025
I'm wondering if your claustrophobia has to do with feeling trapped, either in the hellscape of the aftermath of the affair, or in your marriage.
I never really felt claustrophobic, but I did have at least one instance of NEEDING TO GET AWAY when a bad trigger happened. I bolted and ran. I also can't tolerate having my feet trapped, like when we're spooning or something. I guess I feel the need to be able to cut and run. lol
The anxiety after DDay is no joke. I'm glad you're going back to therapy. You might ask your counselor about EMDR.
Gasping for air while volunteering to give others CPR is not heroic.
Your nervous system will always choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven.
leafields ( Guide #63517) posted at 1:58 AM on Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Welcome to SI and so sorry you're facing anxiety and claustrophobia. There are some posts pinned to the top of the JFO (Just Found Out) forum that we encourage new members to read. There are also some really good ones that aren't pinned but have a bull's eye icon. Additionally, the Healing Library is at the top of the site and has a ton of information.
I had my first panic attack after dday 1. They are no fun. I went on meds for about 2 years. The medication I took also helped me fall asleep. (Didn't stay asleep & it didn't stop the nightmares.) When I was better, I weaned off of them. You may not need to take them forever.
I found meditation and mindfulness activities help me to bring my focus back and stop spiraling. I still have a very high jump reflex. Loud noises or cars not slowing down far enough in advance of stop signs, and I will noticeably flinch or jump.
You can try the meds for a month and evaluate if you want to stay on them. Also, EMDR therapy can be helpful.
BW M 34years, Dday 1: March 2018, Dday 2: August 2019, D final 2/25/21