You know who else has awful childhoods? A lot of betrayed spouses. Many of us find out that the reason we put other people first and desperately seek love from people who hurt and reject us is because that's what we were conditioned to do as children.
My ex came from an extremely toxic family and I spent years making excuses for him, trying to understand him, and giving him the unconditional love that his purely transactional mother never did. The result of my efforts was multiple OWs and multiple Ddays. If I had even a fraction of the time, effort, and energy I spent trying to cast out his demons into confronting my own, I would have come to a place of healing a lot sooner and not wasted nearly a decade of my life.
I'm sure you had a great conversation with your husband last night. He is very good at talking. If he follows through with his IC as you asked, he might even get better at talking as he picks up new lingo in therapy.
But what is he doing? Do you think he's on infidelity recovery sites, posting multiple posts a day about how to fix his marriage? Is he looking into spending thousand of dollars on affair recovery programs, apps, coaches? Has he taken out so many books on how to save your marriage that he could get a PhD on the subject? Because these are all the things that you're doing while he talks.
And you can't even guarantee that he's not still seeing or communicating with OW.
My only advice to you going forward is this: Give yourself 30 days minimum without seeing or speaking to him. Limit your communication to essential things about the kids only... and stick with it. And when I say essential, anything that can be answered with a "Yes or No" only.
The purpose of this is not to punish him or manipulate him into wanting you back. It's for you to get some much-needed time to focus on yourself, wean yourself off your need for his comfort and approval, and gain some clarity of thought without him chewing your ear.
BW, 40s
Divorced WH in 2015; now happily remarried
I edit my comments a lot for spelling, grammar, typos, etc.