Great idea!
I got married young. I was 20 and he was 21. I married him because he adored me and was my KISA, and because I was craving connection and security.
Year 1: I got pregnant almost immediately after our wedding after we had planned on waiting at least five years. It truly was my mistake. He wanted to stop and I told him it was fine. It wasn't fine. Instead of getting out of the military like we had planned, he had to reenlist. He was mad, scared, and he didn't trust me. He thought I did it on purpose. He abandoned me emotionally and I was left to navigate the pregnancy and birth of our child practically alone while he acted like a petulant teenager.
Year 2: He had a ONS while we were apart. Then he got sent to Desert Storm before we were reunited. We were apart for almost a year. When he returned, I thought his weirdness was due to war PTSD. It was, but it was also guilt. He asked me for a D. I begged him to reconsider. He changed his mind.
Years 3-5 Things were pretty decent during this time and seemed okay.
Year 6: He got out of the military and we moved home. He asked again for a D, out of the blue. I told him to knock it off. We had another baby, planned this time. Because a baby fixes everything, right?
Years 7-10 We bought a house and seemed to have a pretty good life. The internet came along, and he started using porn and AOL chat rooms. He found a woman who was interested in NSA sex and he would sneak out of the house to meet her in the middle of the night. I had no clue. He'd tell me that he couldn't sleep and went for drives to clear his mind. This went on for about a year. During this time, I was diagnosed with trichomoniasis, an STD. I gaslit myself into believing that it had lain dormant since before we were married or that it had been contracted outside of sex, which is possible, but very unlikely. I don't know if it's something that they test for in pregnancy, but it being something he had recently caught and passed along to me didn't align with my "reality", so I dismissed it.
Years 11-13: Pretty much going through the motions, rearing children, I thought everything was fine. He was spending a lot of time in his "secret sexual basement".
Year 14: I had a sexually-charged EA with the next door neighbor, H's best friend, that H knew about in real time. H pushed me to make it a PA with the condition that he could then have an A of his own. This was to assuage his guilt, I'm sure. I didn't. EA ended.
Year 15: H began his A with COW. Things REALLY began to deteriorate. I thought he was having a midlife crisis. We started MC, which he intended as a means to get out of the marriage. It had the opposite effect. We were doing good work, I was owning most of the problems in the marriage and he was letting me do that. I thought I was a bad wife. Looking back now, I know that I had withdrawn a lot because I couldn't trust him because he had hurt me so badly in the beginning of our marriage. My distance was a protective response to HIS distance.
Year 16: DDay. He confessed to all three As because he couldn't stand living the lie. We separated at my request because he wouldn't end his current A. A month later, he did and we began R. We were both all in. We worked hard. We did tons of MC and we enjoyed it. We bonded hysterically for a year.
Year 17: I was diagnosed with genital herpes and had a pretty terrible initial outbreak. I'm grateful that the diagnosis happened then, when we were already working so hard and had made such great strides. I was horrified, of course, but pragmatic. It's not curable so I worked pretty hard to come to terms with it, with the help of our MC.
Years 18-28 Life was pretty good. We "graduated" from MC. Promotions, bigger house, kids grew up and moved out.
Year 29: We moved H's mom in with us because she was in bad health and we thought she probably didn't have much time left. (We were wrong. She's still kicking.)
Years 30-35 H's emotional health deteriorated as childhood CPTSD surfaced. He acted out by spending too much money on a hot rod and drinking. That's what brought me back here. I consider it financial infidelity because of "excessive expenditures without notifying the other partner". We had to refi our house to pay off the credit card debt, which has caused us to go from a comfortable lifestyle to penny-pinching. We asked mom to move out. We moved my mom in. We have NEVER been alone for longer than a couple of months for our whole marriage.
Years 36-37: The absolute best of our marriage. We did a couple of sessions of MC and realized that we're beyond that. We know what we're doing. We also did a little IC. I'm realizing that I have ADHD and sensory issues that have affected our intimacy. Cannabis helps a LOT with that. Our connection is deep and real and honest. And fun. We're having a lot of fun. Our kids are grown and detaching from us, so they're being decentered. It's an adjustment, but a good one. We're excited about the next chapter.
My mistakes:
Gaslighting myself for the first 16 years, but I wasn't equipped to do anything else, so I don't beat myself up about it anymore.
Doing the pick-me dance before DDay, before I knew what was going on.
Not setting myself up to be financially independent, which caused a lot of fear and affected my decisions.
My triumphs:
Demanding that he move out when he wouldn't end the A, while still reassuring him that what I wanted was R. For our dynamic, this made all the difference.
Focusing on myself during recovery. I took a writing class. I did a lot of self-help work. I played roller derby for five years, which made me feel like a total badass; I was surrounded by strong, strong women. I found a solid group of good women friends.
If I could go back to the very beginning knowing what I know now, I'd change a lot of things. But that's impossible and I'm happy with how things turned out. They led me here and life is good.
[This message edited by SacredSoul33 at 10:01 PM, Wednesday, March 12th]