I learned a hilarious new word last night: Hobosexual. A hobosexual is someone who sleeps with people in exchange for a place to stay.
More on that in a minute.
We hang out a lot at our local American Legion. My H used to be the commander, so it's our second home. Our third space, if you will. Everyone knows him, most know me. When we're there, sometimes we hang out together, but more often, he's milling about doing stuff and I'm hanging out with friends.
A few weeks ago, my H told me that there's a woman who's very flirty and that she had taken his hat. It was a ratty old lawn-mowing hat, so he didn't bother trying to get it back. She bought a round of shots for the people around her, and my H was one of them.
She was there again last night. She was bragging about how much she could drink (what a flex, eh?) and challenged my H to see who could drink the other under the table. My H jokingly said that he was down, and a friend of ours told the girl, "You don't want to challenge him! He's a Marine!" He came over to the table where I was sitting immediately after that, and she followed him. She started in again, detailing how much she could drink, and we were all like "Uh, okay". I was super surprised when she mentioned that she was 21. I thought she was much older. Anyway, my H sort of dumped her with us and got away. (THANKS FOR THAT. lol)
About an hour later, my H left to run to the gas station for cigars. She was there buying cigarettes, and she propositioned him. "I'm down if you're down." H immediately told me when he returned. He said that he responded with, "No, absolutely not. I've been married for 37 years and I am not interested."
I've never been in a fight. I never confronted the AP. I'm not conflict-avoidant, I just think there's a lot of power in starving the riff-raff of the attention they crave. Honestly, this is terrific policy, for me at least, but it leaves me slightly craving the release of a good telling-off. I decided that I was going to scratch that itch last night.
I approached her and said, "That guy you propositioned at the gas station? That's my husband. Try that shit again and we're going to have a problem." She, of course, loudly denied it. And I loudly responded.
When I went back to my friends and told them about it, they said, "Oh, that bitch is a total hobosexual. She's all over any man who might give her a place to stay because she's tired of sleeping on an air mattress in her mother's living room."
It felt really, really good to confront that bitch. My H was worried that I'd be upset, but I told him that it felt like delayed gratification. He said, "Good for you."
[This message edited by SacredSoul33 at 7:19 PM, Thursday, March 13th]