I don't even remember why I felt so removed last week, but I was angry and hurt and feeling hopeless. I have always been proud to me married to my wife, even after the affair. I just love her, and my wedding ring has always been a strong symbol of that for me.
It always felt to me like it was warding off other women, and that it told my wife that I was committed to our marriage and proud that she was my wife. If I left the house accidently without it, I would drive all the way home to get it the moment I realized (which was quiet often a block away from our house but occasionally several miles). I just didn't feel right without it being on me.
But last week I had a moment where I just didn't want it to be on. I purposely took it off for a few hours as I sat in my office working, and I felt relief.
Even though this one only a single event, it was a big deal to me, and I haven't told my WW about this because I think it would only hurt her and push other further apart that we already are. I think we're very close to getting a divorce. I think she feels it too.
I don't think either of us want it, but I think we're both starting to feel like there's likely no way to avoid it.
In the words of Metallica:
Yeah, then it comes to be that the
Soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train comin' your way
For those with experience with divorce, what are the signs that it was inevitable when you look back on your situation? What are the red flags that you wish you recognized but maybe didn't until it had already dragged out too long? What advice would you have for me as I struggle to let go in hopes that somehow someway there's still something I can do to save this marriage?