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What would you have done?


 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 5:54 PM on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

This morning a vehicle didn't fully stop for the school bus until it was right at my driveway, almost equal with the bus. As he kept crawling forward I threw up my hands in a "oh well here's another one that can't follow the LAW" and the bus driver nodded. I went to take out my phone from my pocket but the damn camera app wouldn't load (gotta reboot to make it work again).

Once the kids got on the bus and it left, this guy didn't go. He pulled over in front of me and proceded to berate me for 5+ minutes on how he isn't a criminal. I had walked down my driveway ready to ignore him but turned around when he started yelling at me.

He said the following things.

He's a good person.

He's been a commercial driver for many years.

No one was hurt. (THIS TIME)

He was slowing down so he could stop (bus had orange lights up WAY before he got to the driveway, roads are clear, no reason he couldn't stop way before he did and he needed, by law, to come to a complete stop once the red lights and stop sign are out which he didn't.

Throwing up my arms and taking a photo (no photo was taken!) is harassment and I should apologize. rolleyes

I asked him if I needed to involve the police since he felt entitled to yell at me and he said the police would just give him a warning and tell him to make sure he comes to a complete stop next time.

He then apologized for NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG. Ya ok.

I didn't feel it necessary to listen to him anymore so I thanked him for the apology and told him to be on his way, then I walked away.

I have since confirmed with police that I am legally permitted to record at the road. The distance listed in the law states 20 meters from the back of the bus and a "safe distance from the front"

Stopping closer to me than you would at a crosswalk is not a safe distance.

Would you have engaged with this person at all? Would you have called police when he started yelling?

Had he gotten out of his truck I would have for sure.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8862382

number4 ( member #62204) posted at 7:06 PM on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

So did he ever get out of his car when he was yelling at you? That would really escalate the confrontation if he did.

Not saying that ANYTHING he did was alright, but getting out of his car, and/or following you onto your property would have been a serious breach.

Honestly, these days I would be terrified of engaging with anyone who was so visibly full of rage. But you're in Canada where you don't have to worry about mentally unstable people carrying guns in their cars like we do here. What you experienced was road rage, even though you weren't in your car. It's always scary.

Me: BWHim: WHMarried - 30+ yearsTwo adult daughters1st affair: 2005-20072nd-4th affairs: 2016-2017Many assessments/polygraph: no sex addictionStatus: R

posts: 1407   ·   registered: Jan. 10th, 2018   ·   location: New England
id 8862388

 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 7:43 PM on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

No he did not get out of the truck.

I made sure to stay away from the end of the driveway. He tried to come across as having a discussion as opposed to an argument but he was raising his voice.

I asked him flat out of he came to a complete stop for the bus and he refused to answer. He knew he was in the wrong and tried to justify it with no one got hurt, I'm a good person, etc.

He knew he was in the wrong and stopped to plead his case because he believed I took a photo and was going to report him.

I have put my hand up to many drivers indicating for them to stop, I have stepped out to make sure they don't roll into my kids. Not once has anyone else stopped to freak on me.

I have never liked confrontation. I always figure out the best responses after the fact. But it felt good to stand my ground and only repeat that he is to come to a complete stop for all school buses.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8862390

SadieMae ( member #42986) posted at 9:45 PM on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

He showed you who he was. If you had engaged further, you would have heard more of the same, maybe only louder or with swear words added. It sounds like he is well-versed in justifying his bad behavior and telling people he's great.

I'm glad no one was hurt, and I pray he doesn't hurt anyone else with his thoughtlessness and carelessness.

Me: BW D-day 3/9/2014
TT until 6/2016
TT again Fall 2020
Yay! A new D-Day on 11/8/2023 WTAF

posts: 1468   ·   registered: Apr. 3rd, 2014   ·   location: Sweet Tea in the Shade
id 8862399

somanyyears ( member #26970) posted at 10:26 PM on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

..Road Rage is now so common that they made a TV series about it. Violence is the common theme. You can't predict what some people will do if you criticize their driving. I heard a statistic that 65% of American drivers keep a loaded gun in their car or truck. I can't verify this number...??

...this, among other reasons, is why I don't want to become the 51st state. NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL!!!

mad smy

trust no other human- love only your pets. Reconciled I think!Me 77 Her 73 Married 52 yrs. 18 yr LTA with bff/lawyer. Little fucker died at 57.Brain tumour!

posts: 6068   ·   registered: Dec. 29th, 2009   ·   location: Ontario Canada
id 8862400

 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 10:41 PM on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

This guy having a gun didn't really cross my mind but he probably didn't think I had a knife in my pocket lol

With so much snow in the back it was really difficult to get the hay to the horses. I was running low anyways so i had some delivered and dropped off at the front. Ds and I shovelled a path from the driveway to the fence and piled the hay there.

Before taking the kids to the end of the driveway I stop and put a few bales over the fence. I need to cut the bale twine to do that, thus the knife.

So we really don't know what someone has on them. I don't ever want to have to use a weapon in defense. I hope I'm never in a position to need to.

I did stay a ways back so if he got out of the truck I could take off to the house.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8862401

ff4152 ( member #55404) posted at 12:05 PM on Thursday, February 27th, 2025

JMO your best course of action would be to quietly take down his plate and report it to the police. It’s not worth putting your life at risk. Especially at the hands of a looney toons like this guy.


posts: 2135   ·   registered: Sep. 30th, 2016
id 8862592

 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 3:04 PM on Thursday, February 27th, 2025

He didn't pass by the house while I was out there and tomorrow there's no school.

Maybe he's decided to take the side road north of my place to avoid the bus altogether.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8862601
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