Hi leftbroken
Thanks for checking in and showing interest.
Even after being on SI for some time now, I am still touched by the fact that you folk are interested in, care for, and support this insignificant, anonymous fellow, 10 000 miles away
You ask, “what happened of late”. I suppose I can say that I am in a relatively good place. In fact, I should say that I am in a good place. Life in the Ohfor household seems to be settling into some sort of routine. There has been very little effect on our lifestyle. 2PP are back at school after our summer holidays and while it is still early days, all this stuff does not seem to have impacted their school work.
I have more actual friends, from a greater diversity of life than I have ever have had. They care about me and show interest in even the mundane of my life. We get together often, share interests and learn more on those points where we didn’t have shared interests. We laugh a lot.
There is this rather lovely lady and her 6 year old energetic sunbeam of boundless energy and giggles, that are brightening up every corner of our lives.
BUT, there always seems to have to be an obligatory BUT doesn’t there?
Even with all this, I still get ambushed by days of desperate sad. Today is one of them. There are no triggers that I can recognise. I am not longing for, or missing XWW at all. I think that I am experiencing love and a level of connection that I never knew existed. I am scared witless that it too, might just be a façade or an illusion, and that one day I will wake up to another awful reality. I know that I now have true friends, where before, all I had was acquaintances. So where does this desperate sad come from?
I hate this 2 to 5 years that seems to be the anthem of SI. I really thought that I would be different. One of the posters to one of the other threads said they felt the same. They had done everything right and were desperately hoping for some time off for good behaviour, instead, it was beginning to seem as if there might even be time added to the end of the sentence.
So unfair. Our WS’s commit the crime but some heartless, invisible judge, imposes this most cruel and unusual sentence on us, the innocents in all of this.
I go to gym 3 times a week. One of those is Friday mornings. I usually have company at my gym sessions. This morning I was alone. She had to work so I did what I always used to do. I kept to myself, took my car magazine with. Buried my nose in it to make sure I made eye contact with no one. Chose a stair-climber strategically so that there would be no one on any of the equipment next to me, had only my thoughts, and drifted into a very sad hole. Did that trigger the sadness because it reminded me how my life used to be? Did it trigger me because it forced me to recognise just how shallow a façade, what I thought was a happy life, was? Was it just sad because I was not with a certain wonderful woman?
The past 2 months have been particularly difficult for me. We always did Christmas in a big way. Traditions handed down through 4 generations, and rigidly held fast to. The changed state of the family meant that we could not do most of those. It was the kid’s summer break. There was the lodge week that X and I had been going to for 20 years. My birthday and what would have been a 25th anniversary are all in these 2 months. Also, I was very close to MIL and for me, this felt like the first holiday season without her. I was so medicated over this period the previous year that I didn’t know any of it, so this year felt like a fist without her for me.
I knew that this season would be difficult for us all, so I spoke openly with 2PP. We agreed up front what activities and traditions we wanted to keep and which we wanted to change.
DD still wants nothing to do with her mom and seems to be moving on quite well with her life. I have made sure that she is still in weekly IC and have a promise from her IC that he will let me know immediately when there is anything to worry about.
DS still loves his mom, and I think he sort of sees himself now, as the man in her life and her protector. He asked if he could spend Christmas with her from Christmas eve to Boxing day morning. I was quite happy with that but it did mean that we had to change much of how it would have been. We moved our “Christmas lunch”, to early Christmas eve so that he could be with us. We did the presents then as well and he then left to be with his mom. Meant that instead of me being woken by over eager little bodies at 5 am on Christmas, we all slept in. Instead of a big lunch it was light and not terribly special. Throughout December, we were allowed to tag along with Wonderful lady (on a thread in D/S we agreed on calling her MMS) and her little one on many of what are their traditions. Man, I tell you, they were so much fun. Better than ours, but each time we did theirs to replace ours, it sort of reinforced that that life of mine is dead. And death in any form, causes grief.
My kids are proving to be my greatest strength in all of this. Two weeks ago, it would have been our 25th wedding anniversary. The weekend before I was in a bit of a slump. I was expecting it to hit me hard on the day, so I organised an extra-long and extra heavy gym session. When I got home in the evening MMS was waiting for me and took me for a long walk. When we got home, what a surprise. 2PP had set up fairy lights on our upstairs balcony. Scattered rose petals on the table. Had a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and glasses and had arranged for a young teenage friend, any of you that saw my thread in D/S about the little girl that I was privileged to be able to help get into university will know of her, I call her DDF (for dear daughter’s friend), well, her mom bakes and caters for a living and DDF has learnt from her mom. We were served the most delicious food by the cutest serves. At the end of it all, DS sat on my lap, DD on my friends lap and told me that they can understand why I might be sad on the day, and that from now on out, I can have the morning to be as sad as I like, but, they are not going to let me be sad for all of it. You see, if it was not for what happened on that day 25 years ago, they would not have gotten to know me or MMS, and they are rather glad that they did, so, by logical deduction, they are going to make bloody sure, that they celebrate it with all they can muster, and only if I am not glad that I got to know them, would I be allowed any sad from midday on.
Last week was my birthday. All the folk in my life rallied there again, and by the way, the Jazz now has the most amazing sound system. Just one of my presents from a certain lady. Now all that remains to be done, is to bolt on a super charger. I am loving everything about the car. Drove it to work every day this week.
Odana, I thought long and hard about what you wrote and think it is a beautiful thought. I have not yet read any of SoSorry’s thread. I have been a little fragile over these past 2 months. I am just not in a place where I can open up to any more sad or hurt. I so want to pay it forward. I did post quite a bit of support in JFO for a while but have found that right now I hurt too much when reading of the deep pain suffered by the folk here, so I have been trying to support in D/S for now. When less fragile I will be back to support.
I thought of the letter to XWW, I like the idea and believe that I will do something like that sometime in the future. Right now, I thought of what I might say and there was quite a bit of positive in what I would write but, each time I could not stop myself form then throwing; in, “and just realise that your naked selfishness and absolute stupidity, has murdered all of what we had”. I will wait until I can write the letter without that ending. I chatted to some trusted advisors about sending a card or gift and they wisely pointed out that I needed to be cautious to not lead the XWW to possibly think that there might be a door to R. In the end, I just arranged for card that I wrote to be delivered to her. In it I said that I knew that, like I was, she would be reflecting on the day, and our years together. I said that I needed to be honest with her, that the way that my life has developed, there is now no chance of a future where we would be together again, but we will always share a past, and that I am now able to see that much of that past, had happiness in it. I thanked her for that. Most of all, I thanked her for the greatest gift that had ever been given to me and that is the gift of my 2PP and that it was her that gave them to me. I have not had anything back from her. DS told me that there was card standing on the dresser in her room. She said nothing to him about it.
As I suppose most of you, who have put some distance between yourselves and your DDays, I have begun to do quite a bit of reflection. As I do this, I begin to become confused. One of the discussions that seem to pop up regularly, and where there are even sometimes threads, is the time machine one. On reading those, I always wanted one of those, and the scenario that always played out in my head was, that, when XWW told me that she was starting that job, that I would have made her find a different one, ( I realise now, that the first A, would still have been there, but the discovery of that came so late in our journey that I have still not accepted it as a reality), In any case, given where I am now, I don’t think I would have changed anything. Yes, these last 2 years have been hell, but, when I weigh up my life experience now, even with the pile of hurt caused by the A, the balance of my life is still tipped to the happy side and that is beginning to pile up high again.
I hope that there is some help in this for someone here in JFO