I read a long time ago that you should always have someone go with you to a doctor, especially if it was a serious illness, because it would be too much for you to take it all in and comprehend and understand it all. Same type of thing goes on with dealing with the affair, but theoretically you have more access to slow it down and talk longer with your wife and rehash it to comprehend and understand. Kids make it tough, but we used to do it after the kids were asleep.
Also, the importance I think so far with that little conversation is that your wife is just saying whatever to get her off the hook as easily as she can. Another thing I didn't post before, your wife enjoyed the sex, maybe that's not how it started, but other man pushed it into that and your wife was full steam ahead with that. It's not like your wife was dreading for the sex but she had to have the horrible sex so she could get her ego kibbles. She got the ego kibbles AND she loved the sex, too.
I don't know it's right to tell you stuff like this, because it took me a while to figure out some of that stuff, and it brought me right back to square one (well, maybe square two or square three, but still a big large few steps backward). I think it would have been better to have figured it out earlier on, but then again I was about to divorce, jumping at the bit really, so it may have pushed me over the edge if I had realized that earlier on.
Your wife wants this marriage to continue and she will say whatever she has to do so. She needs you financially and she has young kids still. She does not want people to know she is a cheater, not her family, not her friends. Plus she doesn't even have other man anymore. She is fighting for her life as she knows it, and your personal marriage with her is just a small part of that, it is much more about the big picture of her LIFESTYLE that would change including her kids, and her own reputation. To go from a charitable volunteer organizing with sick kids to going to a cheater liar homewrecker is quite a huge reversal, especially considering for the past five months has been the happiest of her life as she had found another true love of her life, getting fantastic sex, and having the same great lifestyle she always had.
She does not even consciously think about that what I posted above, but it is going on inside her head. Survival is not consciously thought about, like breathing. Regarding the affair and the reasons, why she did it, I don't think she will know that yet, and for her to try to give a reason means she is probably lying. It would be more honest if she says she doesn't know than to just come up with stuff she thinks you want to hear. Whatever it is, it's not some superficial reason like she was resentment. It is deep inside and is about how she thinks about herself, it is not about some external event like a resentment combined with getting hit on by another guy. It's like if you have a tire on your car that has no tread and it hits a pothole and blows out, goes flat. The tire was weak, the tread was no good, the pothole is the superficial event that resulted in a weakness that had already existed before the pothole was hit.
So she will say whatever she needs to make this right, and she won't easily say anything to jeopardize this reconciliation. Which is not the worst situation that you could be in. If the other man had really been single, and if he really did love your wife, she would be packing her stuff up (probably this very weekend) to move into other man's Upper West Side apartment, and she would be very excited and happy about it. Fortunately for you (and your kids), other man was a true POS snake. All of us here reconciled or reconciling are in the same "fortunate" "lucky" situation you are in, like I posted earlier, timing and lucky is part of any successful reconciliation.
So she will say whatever she needs to make this right, and she won't easily say anything to jeopardize this reconciliation. And this just will not do for reconciling. She needs to tell the truth and be honest, not be afraid. I openly told my wife that I would be fair in any financial or custody situation. I did not want to be involved if she didn't love me. You may need to do something along the lines to get her more safe to be truthful.
Regarding making NC a dealbreaker, that is fine, but I would say to keep that to yourself. You don't have to tell her what your dealbreakers are at this point. Number one, she will not tell you the truth because she knows it will be a dealbreaker. Number two, you will paint yourself in a corner, and limit your options. Don't limit your options. You can tell her you don't want her to break NC, but don't tell her it is a dealbreaker. If you tell her it is a dealbreaker, then she breaks NC, then you will have to divorce her. Maybe you will want to, but maybe you won't. But if you don't then, at that point you will lose respect, your words will become less meaning.
I used to sit by myself, after my wife and kids were asleep, and close my eyes and think about my wife's actions in the affair. I would picture me try to be her, picture her waking up in the morning, figure out step by step how she would go through her day. Listen to clock alarm. Get out of bed. Brush teeth, shower, dress. Get kids ready for school. Step by step. And I would think, what was she doing, and more important what was she thinking each of that step. It was quite an impact, thinking of her physical lies that she had to follow, how she had to physically set up communication with other man, not just mentally or verbally, but actually physically to be in a separate room, making sure I was out of sight. Did she take the wedding ring off? Did she groom herself special? Did she wear special lingerie? How did she physically do stuff to keep me in the dark? Did other man give her any gifts? Any special rituals about listening to music or some memento she kept? Cards? Yes to all.
What I realized is that this must have been exhausting to do all of these things. Yet my wife was not tired. I guess she was on the adrenaline of the excitement, the oxytocin or dopamine or whatever the drug or hormone.