Feeling a little melancholy and need to share.
The deed is done. WW arrived home just after 6 pm yesterday. The sheriff and I were waiting in the entrance hall. He greeted her, asked her if she could produce proof of identity, informed her that he needed to serve her with some documents, got her to sign receipt, greeted me and excused himself.
I led WW into the dining room and said there was something we needed to discuss.
She was as white as a sheet. Said she knew something was in the making but "I hoped it was not this. So hoped it was not this". We went through everything in a very business like manner, even cutting up the cards and working through the settlement proposal.
She then slumped back in her chair and said "so this is what it has come to. I thought that after our year of hell we had made it."
I then read my first SI post to her. She listened attentively.
When I was done she looked at me plaintively , and said. So you are going to sacrifice 24 years of marriage, 2 beautiful children, memories and a year of impossibly hard work, all for a snog in a toilet. (You folk here have taught masterfully and I have learnt well). I looked her straight in the eye and told her that unfortunately I had never been given the courtesy of being part of that decision. It was one that she had taken all on her own. I could see that thought slowly sink in and the horror of her decision begin to dawn.
I then played her the recording of AP2 telephone conversation with me. I explained how each and every time that she allowed him to penetrate her, as he so eloquently described, she was choosing between myself and the kids and him. Each time she chose him. The man she just heard was who she chose.
She began to cry. She cried and cried and cried. Then said, I am sorry, I am so sorry, how could I ever have done that to you? How could I ever have done that to us? How could I do that to (and she said the kids names). How could I do that to me? . At this point the crying became huge, convulsing sobs. She just kept repeating those over and over. No begging, no pleading to reconsider. She must have realised that you don't come back from that. Just cried. Head in hands and cried. Head on arm on the table and cried. Cried and cried and cried.
I went and made her some tea but she let it get cold.
I led her to Gran's place, got the shower hot for her, gave her something to help her sleep and left.
I had originally planned that she would go straight to the hotel after the discussion but I just didn't have the heart.
This morning, when I woke she was busy packing. Still a constant stream of tears. Still no begging or placing any blame on me. I called the 2 friends and asked if they would come over. They came and helped her pack. I left for the day.
Asked one of the friends if they would let me know when they were all out.
So now I am sitting alone, in a large, silent house, wandering how I am ever going to make it a home again?
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers of support last night. I felt them.
Neveragain, you are my inspiration.
Lostmyreligion, yes please kind sir, I certainly would like to take you up on your generous offer.
It is the 1st of July, mid winter but the aloes are vibrant orange, there are still some clusters of white roses in some of the parks and I noticed a few of the poppies buds just beginning to open. There is still beauty in the world, even in mid winter. Goring for a long long walk
Thanks for listening