My middle son who has had mental health issues for the past few years is really scaring me right now.
He has been in a relationship for a year or more with a toxic, narcissistic, dare I say "evil" person. A few months (maybe two or three) after his father’s death, he moved in with her and her family in a small town about an hour away.
She has strongly discouraged him from having any contact with me and his brothers, and any of his friends. She has admitted to him that she is a narcissist. There is not enough room here to explain the whole relationship.
Anyway, they broke up the other night. He has broken up with her several times before, and then she lures him back. She has done everything but physically removed his gonads. Every time he breaks up with her, she makes fun of him for "running home to mommy" and continues to emasculate him.
This time, she was the one that broke up with him. He admits to poor judgment and emotional behavior and off the wall arguments. Since he came home two nights ago, she has continuously burned up his phone to get him to answer her. I guess so that she can continue to, criticize him and make fun of him. It’s my humble opinion that she is horrified that maybe this person that she has been using control to harass is really gone this time.
When all of this happened two nights ago, he hit a telephone pole… Evidently like a 1-2 punch. He lost the skin off of his knuckles on one hand, but shattered his other hand. He is waiting to see a specialist about surgery.
He has been talking to me on and off and is in a very fragile state mentally. A day and a half away from her he has agreed that he wants to get back on his psychiatric medication. He has accepted my offer to get him a counselor.
He left this morning to go repay a gas station attendant for loaning him five dollars to get gas to get home the other night. Then he was going to his place of work to explain to the employer what is happening. He says that he has told his employer everything about what goes on in his relationship. 😞
He texted me earlier this afternoon and let me know that he was fired. In the meantime, he wants to know the name of his aunt… my husband‘s sister. He says he’s going by to visit her so he can tell her all about what has been going on. He says that he feels like he should tell everyone that he knows and his family and friends, what all has happened with his relationship. That he’s just trying to be honest. I can’t decide if this is for payback because she tells everyone she knows about all of their fights… Or if he actually thinks that he will get her back somehow by letting people in on what is happening. Maybe it is just for attention.
When he called me at 3 o’clock in the morning the other night he told me that he could not get home. He said that he was thinking of calling the police so that he could be hospitalized, but then I would have to come and get his car. The way he said it was quite odd. As if he was going to use a temporary psych hold in order to get home somehow.
I asked him if he was serious about needing a psych hold at this time… He has had several such holds in the past. He told me he didn’t really think that he needed that, but it was the only way he could think of to get home. I talked to him for quite some time, and finally got the impression that he was fine to drive home and we would work on what to do next when he got here. And he did end up driving home, and after we talked for an hour or so, he finally went to sleep. He got up this morning to handle a few things and was going to make his appointment with the orthopedic surgeon and the counselor. It’s been almost 4 hours and now since I have heard from him, despite trying again and again to text him.
He obviously needs psychological assistance, but I can’t find where he is this afternoon, and I can’t force him to get help.
Does anyone have any insight as to how I should handle this situation?
He is a total mess right now about so many things. He loved his job, which he has now lost. He was thrilled to be in this horrifying relationship because he has told me on countless occasions that no one else will ever love him. But perhaps most significantly, he is still in a horrible grieving state over his father’s death.