I am so sorry, but somehow my original post was sent without second half - the aftermath. So here it is
Nov 11
I slept surprisingly well tonight, but now the crushing thoughts are back. I will take kids for a walk this afternoon, I miss them a lot.
Wife and I just spoke on a phone and are meeting this evening again. Her and kids are staying over at her parents.
She sounded completely broken over the phone. Asked me how I'm doing. Still jumping from sadness to anger to desperation to disbelief and back. But that's expected I guess given the circumstances.
I told her girls should not be punished for her horrible and selfish choices so her parents are bringing them home after our talk. They need as much stability as we can provide right now.
We also decided she should stay at her parents for a few weeks and should come visit them home every day to spend some time with them while I do some work. We are finishing huge project right now so the timing could not be worse.
I also need to call my MIL. From what my W told me she's being borderline abusive to her. I know she royaly f.ked up but there is no need to kick her when She's down. Maybe we should find some other living arangements for her. Another reason I am glad girls are coming back home.
Nov 13
This was was the hardest day so far because reality set in for good. This is real. This is my life now. I thought this will be better than that limbo we were before, but now I am not so sure.
We talked a lot this evening, about our feelings and thoughts mostly. I am still not sure how to continue, I know it's still too early for any kind of resolution but sometimes I feel like running away and leaving it all behind. If there were no children involved that's what I would probably do. I would just leave and left this nightmare behind.
So, facts:
My wife did put her notice at work this morning. She has some vacation days left since we cancelled our vacation this summer due to Covid but still has to work for at least another 6 weeks. She is free as of 1st of January. New year, new start I guess.
She asked me if She should report the affair to HR. At the moment I don't see any benefit. If she denied everything and I found out any other way I would be the one reporting it and going after them both.
And I'm not even sure what would go down if it was reported. Nothing perhaps, he's not her boss. They are peers. And there is no proof they did anything inappropriate during work hours. He could easily deny any wrongdoings.
One interesting fact came up today regarding her job. Their "relationship" was apparently a public secret at her workplace. Or more like on their team (7 people). She said people knew they are very "friendly", made comments, but didn't know about the affair. I reckon They were not that low key as they thought they were. Wonder now if her boss knew.
Fortunately they finished their joint project last month and now basicaly just coexist on a team without much direct contact.
Looks like they are keeping NC, at least for now. WFH is tremendous help in this. Apparently they used to spend a lot of time chatting at work either in person or through IM. W told me they kept it very clean as this chanell is monitored. Another news for me. I feel like it's getting worse every time we speak. And I know It's expected and It's probably a right thing meaning she's not trying to cover her track and is being honest.. but hell, it hurts.
We also spoke about her feelings toward him. She denies she fell in love him or had any deeper feelings. He made her feel appreciated (professionaly, not personaly) and later as it progressed she felt desired (She even gave me that damned "you do that to, but with him it was different" line).
We spoke sbout our marriage, what problems we had between us that the other didn't know or didn't realise. And we also spoken about problems the other was too stubborn or afraid of rocking the boat to tell. I told her I have 50% responsibility for our marriage but her affair is her doing. She told me She knows this but I disagreed and told her I feel like she's really still not taking the full blame as she should.
This ended in long fight just jumping all over the place without going anywhere. I am not proud but I then unloaded on her all my frustrations from last 3 days and wasn't overall very pleasant. She took it and let me vent without much objection besides when I accused her of sleeping with him from the start.
Then we talked about my feelings and thoughts. I think she finally starts to realize the depth of what she did to our marriage and it's obvious it's crushing her more and more.
We were both completely exhausted after the fight so we called it quits for now. She told me at the end that it's horrible what she's putting us through but she will never stop fighting and asked me to do the same. I told her I just don't know if I have it in me anymore. But today was a really bad day so I don't want to let that cloud my mind.
She asked me if she could sleep here tonight, so she's now asleep in kid's room and I am staying in our bed writing this on my phone.
One day at a time.
Yeah, and after today I am now certain she browses some infidelity websites because it's like she's going by the book one line after another.
She's offering a timeline (reminded her I already have one but would love if she could complete it), reporting her affair to HR and she even spoke about therapy for herself.
Not sure how I feel about that.
Nov 14
Nothing new to report. For now there is a mutual understanding that our last meeting was a little bit too much so we decided to give us a 2-day cooling period before we continue.
Still swinging moods. Going from missing her, to indifference to how dare She? and back.
My MIL tried to "check on me" a few times over past two days, but I put a stop to that. Felt like she was more than anything fishing for informations on what I will do. So I nicely told her to back off. She complied.
But I told her one thing that should sound here, too.
If we stay together it won't be because we have children. I do not intend to stay in unhappy marriage just because it would "hurt the kids". I have heard this BS countless times, and it's just that - BS.
Children are not stupid. They know mom hates dad and dad can't stand mommy. I would much rather divorce and kept civil relationship with my ex than play this charade. And I'm not from broken family btw, my parents been married for more than 30 years and still going strong.
Also, scorched earth is out of a question now. For me it was valid option in case my wife decided to keep lying and be overall nasty about her affair. She's everything but nasty. And if we decide to continue with our marriage it would be a horrible attitude to build on
But all that is now up to her, I stand firm on filing for divorce if in a few months I won't feel like we are making a progress or in case some more facts purposefuly hidden from me come to light.
There is no need to rush. I want to talk to my wife about physical separation and to see if there's a possibility of rebuilding what she destroyed.
So that's where we are now. W and I are talking again tomorrow.
I had the opportunity to spend whole day today with girls, just the three of us. They are asking for mommy but I am still not sure how to navigate it. This will be part of the next talk.
And again, since this keeps comimg back - my wife wasn't some kind of victim fallen to a predator. Yes, He was manipulating her, but She could very easily put a stop to this. She was willing and that's what got us here. At least She admits that.
Nov 16
Today has been a hell of a day.
Firstly, cat's out of a bag so to speak. My wife got call from an HR this morning. Somebody apparently reported them both. She called me right away why I did that, told her I didn't.
She called me again in tears an hour later to tell me SH's GF called HER and yelled at her for good 20 minutes. Then she wanted to speak to me.
So I called her in between meetings.
She apparently found the NC message my wife sent over the weekend and went into investigation. We spoke about the situation we are in, I gave her my part of a story and we put together what we know.
She's obviously the one who reported them to HR. Said she had some suspicion about the two, but since SH never let her into his phone there was no proof. She somehow found out the password and voilà!
On a positive note - looks like SH didn't bother deleting any messages. She has them all and sent me everything after our conversation. She also kicked SH out since He lives in HER appartment. Won't lie, great sense of justice.
So I got the screenshots. Lots of them.
Sort of good news/bad news.
Good news - I am now 100% positive they didn't have sex. It was never explicitly discussed, but He texted her apologizing for pushing her into it and she told him this was too much and they should stop. Other messages were hard to read, but they are in line with what she told me. Also if those messages are not some sort od cleaned up version of events they didn't text all that much, definitely less then I thought after my W told me she deleted some messages and even whole conversations.
No sexting. Just some inuendos and flirting from both sides. I was mentioned only few times and never in a bad way, more like off-hand comment. Guess there was no place for me or kids in their Neverland.
Bad news - He told my wife multiple times He's in love with her. She either didn't adress it at all or downplayed it. This made me angry because I asked her directly before and she denied this.
Also SH' GF would like to meet in person, not sure if it's a good idea.
My wife doesn't know I have them. I want to process this before we talk again. Yesterday I thought we made a progress. And now this. At least I know bigger portion of a truth now.
I also had a skype appointment with a lawyer today. Looked like a right guy, just a few years older than me. I told him my story and then let him speak. Looks like if we agree on kids and a house we can be done in 3 months. I was actually surprised, I thought I took longer than that. There is also no separation period.
That's probably too fast for me. I don't want to rush it, also 3 month is way too soon to see if there is any hope for us. So I won't file this year.
Wife has been trying to reach me since morning and I am playing it cool, just told her I need some time now.
Nov 21
Sorry for disappearing, but it's been a bad couple of days. Up and down.I will try to keep this as short as possible. And again, thank you for your support.
Since some of you asked about the meeting with SH's GF I will start with that.
It went OK. She is a lot different than I expected, in a good way.
I got basicaly no new info, but it was nice to have a coffee and listen for 30 minutes about how big loser SH is. At least my hurt ego got a boost because his GF was baffled why my wife cheated on ME with him. Great feeling, but it was short-lived.
She had a few questions of her own so I told her everything I know or suspect my W wasn't maybe 100% honest about. She also asked me if I am going to go after him. I told her she's doing pretty good job herself so there is no need. She's leaving SH (apparently this wasn't his first time cheating) and asked me if I am divorcing my wife. Told her I am still not sure, probably.
Overall, It was nice meeting her. We promised to keep in touch. Looks like she's ready to ruin his life and I would like to watch if she lets me.
On Thursday I told my wife I have the messages. She asked me if I somehow recovered them from her phone or if I got them from SH's GF (She knew about the meeting). So I told her the truth (I know, I know, don't beat me too much please). She asked me if I believe her now and I simply told her I don't. I expected her to blow up or start another of her breakdowns as before, but She just told me She understands and is ready to do anything to prove to me She told me everything.
So I told her I know from their texts He told her multiple times He's in love with her and I asked her why She lied about that. This took her by surprise, I guess She forgot about that. Convenient, huh?
Her reasoning? She never felt that way, never replied the same way and is sure He wasn't in love with her either. It was just talk. But She knew I would probably not get over this so she lied. Also my question was more like "Did you exchange ILYs?"
This got me so angry I admit I was very nasty towards her and told her she just lied again when I explicitly asked for full truth and even told her It was her last chance. And She just blew it. I told her I will probably never trust her again and It would be better if we just got divorced as peacefully as possible. After this she went full on ugly-crying so I just asked her to leave and she did. This was Thursday night.
I had a rough night and didn't sleep that well. On friday morning I was ready to call my wife to tell her we should have a cooldown period at least till Monday.
But I got a call from her at 8 am while I was making kid's breakfast. She couldn't log in anywhere and called me for help. I have seen this before so I asked her If she already had that HR meeting. She said It was rescheduled and it's in 30 minutes.
So I told her she was probably fired and all her accounts and privileges were already suspended. Common practice. You don't want prople you just fired to have an access to your production core systems.
I was right.
30 minutes later she was officialy fired and is to sign it all and hand over her laptop and cellphone on Monday.
She came over later in the afternoon and looked more put together than expected. When I asked her how she's dealing with being fired She told me She's OK with it and her last concern right now is her job. I told her she still start needs a new job as soon as possible.
Later as I was watching kids run around we smiled at each other (it was a "look at them" kind of smile) and later She came to me, gave me a hug from behind and kissed me on a shoulder. It took me few seconds to realize what happened but since there were kids around I just shook her off, told her to cut the cr.p and don't do this ever again and walked away. I can't explain it, but when She touched me I just felt like somebody kicked me in my guts. It was awful. Should I take that as a sign It's over?
I could hear her sobbing, but I kept my distance after that and swore to myself I will never let my guard down in her presence ever agin. Soon after she left for her parents.
She later apologized over text telling me it wasn't intentional or to hurt me in any way and she's sorry. I didn't reply, she tried calling multiple times but I didn't pick up.
I wanted to cancel our plans for today but I didn't want to disappoint our kids. Breaking up/divorcing sucks when there are children involved. Really sucks.
So we took our kids today for a fun day outside even though it's freezing out here. She wanted to take her mom or a sister so we could "go for s walk or something, just the two of us", but after what happened yesterday I just declined so we went just the four of us. When I picked W at her parent's MIL asked me to call her later. Not sure about that.
During ride W again apologized for the hug and kiss, It wasn't intentional, just "muscle memory" as She called it. She also confided in me that it kills her to not be able to do things like that anymore, I just told her I miss that too but it's her who did this a continues to do this with her lies. I said if something kills this marriage it won't be her kiss this loser but it will be her lies. I hope she finally got the message.
I don't do this to hurt her, but I won't pretend we are OK. We are not and we might never be again. I don't think she gets that. I swear sometimes I feel like she's living in a fantasy land where I will be grumpy for a few weeks and then things will inevitably go back to normal. I am afraid she still needs that slap of a reality. Not sure how to pull that off, though.
But after all, I now finaly feel a lot better, more in control. I called my friend who is a real estate agent and asked him to give me an update on a current situation an a market. I have a divorce petition ready. But I still hope thing will turn out for the best. Pathetic.
Nov 24
It's over.
I just got call from SH's ex-girlfriend telling me SH and my wife slept together few days after their session in his car.
She found a card transaction when she went through his statements (smart move, buddy! Using your CC to pay for a hotel room on Thursday afternoon). They had a huge fight over phone and he admits He went there with my wife.
Waiting for a copy of the statement. Not sure if I even want to confront my wife anymore. I am done.
Nov 24
I had this whole speech prepared but I knew I would screw that up so I just sat her down, pulled out my phone and hit play.
I had to shush her down few times because she started protesting right away. When the recording was over I just told her to think for a minute about her response and left to make myself a coffee to kill the time.
My hands were shaking so much I just gave up on that and I came back maybe 2 minutes later. I expected her to either deny everything or break down into a sobbing mess. She just looked me in the eyes and said "It is not true. We never went to any hotel room ever, He's lying."
So I told her If she can't be honest even after I have a solid proof we are done and I gave her her copy of a divorce paperwork and asked her to leave.
After seeing the filled out and ready papers she started panicking and kept saying again that it's all nonsense. Asked me to play the recording again and to show her that card transaction because it must be fake.
This made me chuckle to be honest, and also pretty angry. I knew it was genuine and I even had a confession ffs! Come on. It's over. Just admit it so we can move on.
We had collosal fight after that. Her reasoning? She told me they never slept together so it's true! She would never do this to me. Ha.
I said some things I am not proud of. I told her EVERYTHING I bottled up. She let let it all out. She knows me, knows my temper is short-lived. When I was done she just told me again she never went to any hotel with him, those two sessions is ALL that ever hapenned between them and she's disgusted by herself and by what she did to me. But to please give her at least a chance and to hear her out. So I let her speak.
Well, the statement IS real.
The transaction IS real.
The hotel meeting IS real.
It just wasn't my wife.
She went through her callendar and She wasn't even at work that day. She was with ME at her aunt's funeral 4h away. Guess I was too angry to think about checking the date. Can't believe I missed that.
Not gonna lie - I was so relieved. We both cried. At least my wife finally understood the gravity of how deep she destroyed my ability to trust her. I think until today she wasn't willing to admit how much she screwed up. Now she knows.
After we put ourselves together we had an long discussion about our marriage and her affair. I think we finaly started to move forward. She willingly told me two things She lied about or didn't tell me before and swears on our children that's it
1) One of her friends knew about the affair. She encouraged my wife to "have some fun" and offered to cover for her. She's now out of our lives forever and I made my wife call her husband and tell him everything and block her number. Maybe a dick move but if I were him I would want to know. And I bet she cheated/is cheating on him. I never liked her anyways.
2) SH invited her multiple times for some fun time at that hotel. She never went.
As for SH - no idea what was his plan. I think He went there with someone else and when was caught he tried to save his own ass by putting this on the only affair his GF knows about. I'm pretty sure there were multiple women.
And it's almost comical. Did he really think my wife will cover for him? The more I know about him the more I think he's not the sharpest tool.
We later called his ex together. My wife started to apologize but was cut short in a few not that nice words. Can't blame her. It was deserved. SH's ex thinks my wife is lying but I know where she was that whole day and night. With me. So I told her it absolutely wasn't my wife and I think the guy just didn't get what he wanted so he found a new object. I asked her if there is any way I could help but she just hang up. This all sucks, I will call her tomorrow to check on her.
Also, SH's now apparently living with his parents in their 2 bedroom appartment, is jobless and got dumped. But after that stunt He just pulled I can assure you the fun for him just begins.
So this is where we are now. My wife asked me if she could stay tonight. Right now she's asleep in our spare bedroom.
Nov 25
Today was a good day.
W brought kids back for a night. She took them this morning to her parents to give me some space since I had a lot to do today. Putting myself deep into work helps a little.
Before leaving she told me there is something she would like to give me. It was an envelope.
I won't lie, my first thought was there is more. So I asked her if there is something inside that she hasn't told me before about her affair. It wasn't.
Inside was her list and a decently long letter. I'm afraid it's too personal to be put out here, but screw that.
I want your honest opinion on that. And I feel more comfortable with sharing this with anonymous people on the internet that with my family or friends.
I tried to rewrite it as best as possible. Again, it's not in english so I tried my best.
I can't put into words how much I am sorry for what I did to you and our family. It is inexcusable and I will not stop kicking myself over it until I die. You asked me yesterday why I did it and I want to assure you It wasn't anything you did or didn't. It was all me.
You are the best thing that ever hapenned to me and I hurt you in the worst possible way. I destroyed our amazing family because I was selfish and I admit it now - I felt entitled to have fun and flirt and to be free again.
You asked me many times while I was at home with kids if I am happy with how things are and I told you I was. I wasn't. I was just too stupid to admit this to myself, let alone to you. So I let it eat me alive and when I was finaly back at work I did the stupidest thing I could. Instead of defending our marriage against everyone and everything I decided to opened up to some else and shared with him my thought and feelings when it's supposed to be you and only who I share these with.
There were many times when I wanted to tell you everything. I never went through with it because I knew I already hurt you so much you would leave me. I can't believe how selfish I can be sometimes.
I know you don't believe that but I love you, never stopped loving you and never will. I can't believe how I treated you when you first told me about how you feel about this. When you righfuly called me on my horrible behaviour I lied to you, repeatedly, and instead of being honest I lied some more. You and our girls don't deserve any of this and I know it sounds horrible but it hurts me more than you because it was me who did that. There was nothing more you could to do to stop this. I could and I didn't.
The day you left I felt like somebody took my heart out and jumped on it. I can't imagine how you must felt. Again and again, instead of being honest I lied, but it's over now. I want to make one thing clear - now you know absolutely everything. There is nothing you don't know. I didn't realize until yesterday how much you don't trust me after what hapenned. Why should you trust me after what I did? I was stupid. Now I know.
Mom told me today you have a full right to divorce me. It's true, but it still hurts me too much to even think about that. But I know It shouldn't be about me or what I want. It's all about you three. You deserve much better. But if you let me I want to be that better. For you and for our girls.
It would absolutely destroy me, but If divorce is what you want or need I promise I will sign whatever you put in front of me. But I ask you one thing.
Please at least give me until the end of a year to prove to you how much you mean to me and to show you how sorry I am for what I did. I have never in my life regretted anything so much. Let me make this right.
I love you.
I cried like a little b.tch just rewriting it. I don't know if it's genuine or if it tells me what I want to hear. And I have no idea how to reply to that, but I know I should.
And here is her list:
- I will have all her passwords to phone, e-mail and any SM account she has (I know only about her FB)
- She will delete her Facebook if I want her to
- I can go through her phone anytime I want. I can run any kind of recovery software on it
- I will have full access to her accounts and card transaction history
- I can put GPS tracking on her phone and car
- She will find a new job as soon as possible. Any job
- She will find an apppartment close to our house and move out. SHE will pay for it
- If I want to she's willing to put our house in MY name only
- She will set up an STD test for both of us
- She will DNA test both our kids
- She already has booked skype session with counselor herself
- She will plan a MC for both of us if I am willing to go with her
- She will pay for it out of her pocket
- I can ask her any question. She will respond in full truth even if it will hurt me. If I am nit satisfied we put the question aside and where there is more she's will to go through with a polygraph
She wants me to think about the list and to let her know if there is anything I want to add.
I think I need few days to process all this amd give myself some time alone. So I am sorry if I will pull a vanishing act for now. And again, thank you all for your insight.
Dec 8
Hello, it's OP again.
A lot has happened during last two weeeks. I will try to be as detailed as possible so sorry for a long post.
Firstly, things are going kind of... OK. I still have my ups and downs, but they are not as strong as they were two weeks back. Maybe I am coming back to some sort of normality.
After my last post (letter, list) I read your replies and realized you are right, our daily meetings didn't do us any good. It just made this whole mess even more confusing and even though it hurts it's for the best to put some space between us.
So I decided to go LC with my wife and even with other people involved (the word apparently got out and our friends started to get in touch) with me. Some were offering support, some were just snooping for a drama I guess.
My wife kept coming over to spend time with kids every day and instead of joining I just left the house. I went for a walk around the city, which I haven't done in years, and it helped me tremendously in sorting out my thoughts. Of course W was on my mind 90% of the time but it was much easier to deal with it when she wasn't around.
I spoke to her only on phone and strictly only about kids and important non-personal stuff and started completely ignoring her calls and texts regarding anything else than kids/house. Only face to face meetings happened when she came to pick up/drop off kids and I was civil but distant. This unfortunately threw her back to where she was right after our contfrontation - depression, tears, pleading, begging, all that circus.
Her mom told me she was either crying her eyes out or walking around like a zombie during this time. She didn't eat, didn't talk to anyone and just locked herself in her room. MIL was concerned and asked me to at least let her call me. This lasted around a week or so and in the end I agreed to meet her to put a stop to this because I was seriously woried about her.
So I asked her to go for a walk with me. I thought she hit her all-time low after our confrontation but this was completely another level. She looked like hell. She lost 10 pounds last week only. I don't care what you will say but I still care about her so seeing her suffer was terrible.
Before I had a chance to speak she apologized for her behaviour this last week. When I went NC she took it as me giving up on her and our marriage (even though I told her what's going to happen and why) and it made her so desperate because she can't imagine her life without me. But she knows this needs to stop and she promised to give me all the space I need (She kept her promise btw). We talked a lot about how we are doing now and we had a first real discussion about possible outcomes.
I asked her again if she would really be willing to go through with an uncontested and amicable divorce next year. She would, if I need that to heal it will break her heart into million pieces but she's ready to take anything I will offer. She says It doesn't have to be the end for us. We could start again, dating while living separately and to see how I feel about that. She said she knows she can't have any demands but said it would make it easier for her if she knew divorce doesn't mean we are completely over. She asked me if I can ever forgive her. Honestly, I think I already did. But it doesn't mean we are getting back together. Maybe it's a little twisted but I see those two things as a separate entities.
We walked and spoke for like two hours and eventualy ended up at a place where we had our first date. When she brought that up it felt like somebody twisted that knife a few more times. Hope those triggers will go away with time.
You will rightfully take me for an idiot, but after our talk we hugged for like 10 minutes just sitting on a bench. I should have expect it (Idiot, again), but when I pulled away she tried to kiss me. I just kind of turned my head and it ended with her putting her head on my shoulder sobbing and saying sorry again and again.
When the tears stopped she pulled out her notepad (her mom told me she refuses to let go of it) and found a page with her list. She has already done some of it, some is WIP
She gave me a piece of paper with all her logins and passwords. Emails, internet banking, phone, phone bills, tablet, everything.
She shut down her FB completely.
She wanted me to take her phone and run a recovery soft on it and put a gps tracker. I denied. I told her I am not playing this game and it's not a life I want to live. For neither of us.
she has two skype interviews this Friday. She sent out about two dozens of applications. It's all in banking/finance ranging from desk clerk to finances to risk management. Not her previous position
She's browsing websites everyday looking for a new appartment. Market's now apparently not in the best shape and there isn't many offers in our area/size/price range. She asked me to come with her to have a look since she doesn't know what she should be looking for. Told her that's what real estate agent is for so she should get one
She had her first counseling session. Told me she didn't like the therapist AT ALL, so she's looking for another one. Also it's definitely NOT cheap. I offered to pay for it but she declined the offer. I asked her how she's going to pay for all of this (hoping she won't get into debt) and her plan is to sell most of her jewelery except a few important pieces I gave her. Put together it's equivalent of around 20k USD and lots of it is custom made so I told her it's a terrible idea to sell it. We had a small fight over this and I managed to talk her out of it. So I am paying for her therapy until she gets on her feet. Then it's up to her.
She called our GP. He's a friend of ours so it must have been pretty awkward call. She told him what happened and asked him to book us both for an STD test. It's next Monday. I expect this to be a lot of fun.
She picked up a clinic for DNA test. Looks like it can be done at home. Also it's a lot cheaper than expected. Testing kits are coming next week, we send it back and results should be in 2 weeks
I was genuinely surprised.
I confessed her mom told me she's basicaly just existing so I thought we were at a dead end with her list. She told me it was really bad few days but she realized that indulging in self-pity will get us nowhere. So she started pushing.
She made a list and did one thing every day no matter how hard it was. She said she has picture of me and girls in her room as a token of why she's doing it.
I wont lie - all this makes huge cracks and holes in my immediate plan to divorce her. If they had sex or she didn't take full responsibily and show deep remorse I would be done right away. But now I am not so sure about what to do.
Maybe I need to hear that I am just eating up her lies because it's what I want to hear. I don't know.
Hope you can give me your insight on that.
This was last Friday.
After our walk she again took kids to her parents and I didn't hear from her until Sunday evening. Except when I texted her how the kids are doing or wanted to call them. It was great, I did some work around the house and I blew off a pretty thick layer of dust off my PS4 and slayed some monsters. I forgot how good that feels. This weekend was first time I felt like I can be on my own. Like I will make it.
She brought kids on Sunday evening, looking defeated. She didn't speak much at first but after some probing she admited she's afraid that during my "me" time I will realize I would be better off without her and leave. I told her she needs to understand how much this hurt me and honestly told her it's still a very real possibility. But I appreciate her efforts, I know this is hurting her too, but nothing is set in stone yet. I told her I plan to stick to my word that I give her time until January to show me what we have is worth saving.
This morning I was in a middle of a meeting (my mom was watching girls) when my phone buzzed. It was my wife - call me please. So i did.
She got a text 5 minutes ago from unknown number from SH basicaly saying "sorry for the fallout" (sarcastic ha-ha) and asking her how she's doing!
She told me before that she never gave him her personal phone number so I have no idea how he got that (She returned her company phone and SIM card when she was fired). She asked me if she should reply to leave her alone or just ignore and block the number.
I saw red. I wanted to go find him and twist his head again and again until it pops like a cork on a champagne bottle. I think my wife could sense this even over the phone so she told me she's coming over right now and we will talk about what to do in person.
In the end we decided to just block and ignore. I again asked her if she lied and gave him her number. She says She didn't. While at work she didn't even use her personal number since she got new phone and new number and bills were payed by her employer and they had no problem with personal use. She just turned off her personal phone and put it in her night table.
SH tried again 2 hours later from yet another number but that was blocked too.
Any idea what was that supposed to mean? Trying his luck again? The second text looked a lot like that message he sent during our confrontation.
I texted his exGF this but initialy got no response. She went completely silent since she found out it wasn't my wife SH took to that hotel room. But she called me few hours ago asking if she can speak to my wife. I gave her my W's personal number (with her consent) and we talked for a few minutes.
Looks like there were at least 4 other women she now knows of.
SH's been blowing her phone begging her to take him back (I really don't get it. Why?) and she uses that to pull some more intel out of him. I told her she should be just done with him but she insist she's just been putting together a decent folder with names and dates he had been willingy providing (the guy's realy not that clever!) and she plans to create a perfect storm by releasing all this at once when the time is right.
Reason? ALL of the other 4 women are married. Some have small children. It makes me seriously sick.
Unfortunately, I think this intel gathering is over now because SH showed up at her doorstep in the afternoon while her brother was there. They got into a fight and her brother broke his nose.
Good for him. I should send him a gift basket or something.
So that's how things are now. I am doing better every day, my W is finaly giving me the space like she promised and SH has a broken nose. I can't believe I am saying this but I now see the light. I WILL BE OK. One way or the other.