I found out 8 weeks ago that my husband had a two year affair 12 years ago. Turns out back in his army day he had a 2 year affair with his best friends wife who lived in army accommodation with their kids, one of which he became god son too whilst he had a long term girlfriend. They then moved to Germany, he moved in with his girlfriend, had another affair with a colleague (both unprotected) then a year later he split up with his girlfriend and we got together. I knew about his affair with the colleague but not about the affair with the best man's wife...if I had, I would have seen red flags and run!
Fast forward 4 years, we have twins and marry and he asked best friend to be his best man so unbeknownst to me his ex AP is at our wedding. One year later I conceive and third child, the best friend and his wife moved back to the UK and he starts a sexting relationship with her which turns physical whe my third child is born. They had sex 6 times over a year when her husband is away with army, 3 times when she was pregnant and 3 times after she gave birth 🤮. They then continued a sexting affair for another year during which we go to their vow renewal!!!! The sexting drifts off and in 2013 the best friend discovers old texts and the friendship and affair ends and I was never told.
Life got easier as kids got older and all I'm all we have had a great marriage last 12 years until I get a text from the best man's wife (I have had sporadic texts from her over years and turns out my husband kept in contact with her sporadically too to keep her sweet and keep the affair secret). She texts me her and my husband had an affair, refuses to give any details and now has a new man do I'm assuming she's cheated on her husband again. She said she wanted my husband to face the consequences of his actions...she didn't do it for me, she wasn't apologetic at all, it was pure spite.for what is worth...she fat, ugly, thick and an alcoholic and I know she probably thinks she has one up on me but she really isn't a catch!
So, after a day of lies and trickle truth my husband finally admitted it all.
He tells me he has changed and was stupid and he regrets it and has been so remorseful and started counselling.
His counsellor believes he has compartmentalised the affair. She also stayed that as he hasn't cheated since, he is like an alcoholic who removes drink but never dealt with the issue behind drinking. I am concerned by this all because:
A) the morality of it...who shags their best mates wife then becomes godfather to his son, invites him to be best man at his wedding and goes to his vow renewal? Who leaves his wife, who has pnd and childhood trauma with two toddlers and a newborn to shag someone
B) He finally told me he didn't use protection and he swears none of her kids are his but by the ages they could be and we have had to do std tests. I can't believe he would risk my sexual health all these years and he believes she was having other affairs so knew she was dirty
C) he has an affair with her and another girl during his last relationship so has NEVER been faithful
D) he didn't end the affair, the friend found the messages after two years, he didn't once try to end the affair
E) during that time I gave birth, had a 30th birthday, my kids started school, I had illnesses that led to hospitalisation, we had christening and weddings and he carried on this facade throughout
F) he actually said in counselling last week that if someone had given him a checklist only two months ago he would have said he was a loyal, honest husband...he literally felt no guilt or remorse about the affair until it came to light!
Is he a sociopath? A narcissist? Can he ever be safe? He is so upset, disgusted, ashamed and remorseful now he's taken a long hard look in the mirror and seen who he really is. He really doesn't want to be that man anymore but can he ever change?
Any advice appreciated for me and him! Thank you 💓
[This message edited by Evio at 7:45 PM, Monday, March 17th]