Congratulations on getting yourself out of a toxic relationship. I know you don’t feel like celebrating it, but you really did yourself a solid favor there. You should be proud. If he’s like that before marriage, it was only going to get worse.
You are young. That means time is on your side. You have time to heal and lead a fabulous life. The unfortunate truth is that it will take some time for you heal from this, and you should take that time. If you can, IC (individual counseling) can be helpful in seeing the path forward and seeing the strength you obviously have. Journaling can help, too.
Meanwhile, take extra good care of yourself. Eat healthfully, drink lots of water, avoid drugs/alcohol (don’t overuse or use as a crutch), get daily exercise, and good sleep. These will all help your body and your mind, and help you navigate the range of emotions you are feeling.
Say yes to everything. Friends going antique shopping ? Go along. Karaoke night ? Do it! Book club? Sure, why not. Chance to take some courses or go back to school? Sounds good. Stay busy with new things and you will soon see how full and exciting your life is. You will no longer feel stuck.
More than anything else, know that his cheating is all about him. His flaws, the hole in his psyche that he could not fill. It is in no way at all a reflection of you, your value or your worth. This is hard to understand at first, but it is 100% true.
Sending strength, even though it looks like you are already super strong 💪.
Me: BS 57 (49 on d-day)Him: *who cares ;-) *. D-Day 8/15/2016 LTA. Kinda liking my new life :-)
**horrible typist, lots of edits to correct. :-/ **