Hello everyone. This is my first time posting, but I have been lurking in these forums ever since D-Day #1, finding so much comfort and reassurance in the experiences I have read about. So many of your own stories mirror my own. Anyway, on to the point.
After the first time I caught WH cheating, he swore it was a one-time thing and would never happen again. I never really believed him, and his side of the story never added up (I have the AP's side of the story, and believe her over him, tbh). Anyway, the cheating has not stopped, he has only gotten smarter about it. He uses escorts instead of finding women who can stumble upon his wife on Facebook. Anyway ... I decided at first to attempt R. I laid out boundaries, made my demands, and we did a short stint in couples counseling (it was a disaster). It wasn't until I sought individual counseling that my eyes have been opened and I see him in a whole new light. Nearly a year of intensive therapy and healing and soul-searching has led me to realize that it's time to end my marriage. I literally woke up one day at the beginning of 2025 with the realization that this will be my last year as his wife. I cannot describe the peace that washed over me in that moment.
Aside from being a cheater, I am fairly certain he is also a narcissist (like, clinically) and he is verbally and emotionally abusive. He is a combat veteran with severe PTSD and TBI and uses these things as excuses for his behaviors. After 17 years I have had enough. I am putting a plan into action to prepare myself for the separation and divorce. Because he's got narc tendencies and lashes out when he is 'hurt', I am expecting a battle. I am expecting him to make things difficult for me. Thus the reason for this post. I am hoping that those of you who have been through this before will be able to give me some tips on how to prepare to upend a life I spent nearly 20 years building. What should I be prepared for in advance? What steps can I take to assure the security of myself and my three children once it's time to leave? My hope is to be ready to either kick him out or move me and my kids out by the end of the year.
A little bit more about my situation. I am currently a student pursuing my Bachelor's degree and will graduate in the summer. I have not worked a full-time out-of-the-home since like 2008. I was a stay-at-home mother before going back to school, and also ran a small business that made me a decent amount of money. I put a pin in that business to go back to school, but I plan to resurrect it to start generating myself some income. I have a part time job on campus plus royalties I received from some books I wrote and published (that totals about $1800 a month). Anyway, that isn't enough to support me and my kids so I am already looking for jobs I will be qualified for once I have graduated in a few months. In the meantime, I am planning to save as much money as I can so that I can have first and last month's rent for a house rental and a down payment for a car (he pays for my current car and I expect him to snatch it back when I leave). We have three children (17, 13, and 11). I am willing to split custody though I know I will have them most of the time as he works long hours and also travels out of state weeks and months at a time. My credit is abysmal because there's never any extra money to keep my cards paid down or pay off debts because he is a compulsive spender. I plan to try to boost my credit score as much as possible by the end of the year so that I am in a better position to get a place and a car. Because he is former military and a disabled vet, I get certain benefits that I will certainly lose once we split, as we haven't been together long enough to entitle me to any of his retirement or benefits. I would have to hang in there until 20 years and I simply cannot and will not do that to myself. I have barely survived mentally as it is. I have been on military insurance my entire life and don't even know how to shop for healthcare. I've never had to pay for it and copays and prescriptions have always been cheap. My first job out of college may not have benefits, so I am at a loss as to what to do on that front.
Wow, this is a lot. Sorry it's so long but I wanted to make my situation as clear as possible. Any advice that anyone can offer will be appreciated. Thank you all.