I feel a need to start this post with the following statement: There is nothing that justifies or makes you decision to have an affair correct. No matter what your relationship was pre-affair, infidelity was and will never be the correct or even a good solution. No matter what, YOU need to recognize that and work on whatever issue made you decide to go down that path.
I also want to note we only have your posts... His experience on all this can be totally different.
These are excerpts from your first post:
BS and I have been together for 4 years,
an abortion that he wanted and i didnt, alot of yelling at eachother back and forth, trust issues with eachother when nothing was even there yet, finance issues and control issues and just overall what i thought was something so perfect turned into a mess and we both in a way resented eachother for it all and couldnt get past it in a healthy way.
my husband was sleeping on the couch for 4 months and i was a begging mess just wanting love from him, for him to come to bed and for all of this hate in our house to stop, still nothing worked and we felt so far apart.
From your second post:
it was over end of story, i got to my sisters and in the following 3 days he had called me 127 times to yell at me, ask me questions, make fun of me that i lost him and tell me it was over, if i hung up based on the names he was calling me, he would call back and keep going, calling me to tell me i didnt deserve him, he doesnt miss me etc
got yelled at by him and had sex (he said 'lets have sex while youre here, we may as well unless you want me to get bored here by myself') he then dropped me back at my sisters, he called a couple times after that to yell at me again,
he would also have moments in between of yelling at me and telling me its over
youre going to hate yourself in the future for how loyal ive been to you,
He still every week gets me to go to my sisters so he can have some space, normally when this happens i get texts while im there that are hinting towards not being together
'i could go get someone who wont hurt me' 'you shouldve thought about loving me before now youve fucked up our whole future together' 'you cheated me out of having at a lifelong relationship' 'its not the same, youre not mine anymore' things like this' 'youre for everybody not me' 'youd fuck anything that gives you attention' 'i can never trust you again' 'youre just a whore'.
From the above post:
he started to insult me telling me he could do better and get a new girl today if he wanted, that i deserve to be alone and he will laugh at me for losing the best man in the world
Let’s start with your first post and your description of a FOUR year relationship. You talk about those four years as if it’s normal to have extreme phases...
Frankly it doesn’t sound like a mutually respectful and fulfilling relationship. In fact, it sounds borderline ABUSIVE and IMHO not a long-term sustainable relationship.
Before the affair you two dealt with the decision to have an abortion – against your will. Let’s completely omit the moral decision of an abortion – you two based your decision on your views and morals and that’s fine by me. What I don’t see as positive is if a couple take such a serious decision without mutual consent.
Then it sounds like your normal form of interaction is shouting at each other.
Then you have four months of sleeping on the couch. You mention that you asked for changes and got the cold shoulder.
Now – I think that nearly all infidelity is about validation. From your own description that fits the bill. After months of abuse (possibly mutual) you seek validation outside the relationship. Once again – not justifying it, but possibly trying to understand why your relationship is where it is.
His anger becomes more... understandable... after d-day. We betrayed spouses can find more compassion with him after that. But we have the description on the status of your relationship pre-affair to go on too...
To me it sounds like an escalation of an already abusive pattern. Only now he can blast both barrels, belittling you as a whore and skank and making certain you realize he’s the best you can ever expect.
The reason – I’m guessing – he doesn’t change his pattern is because it’s giving him what he wants. Control, the moral high-ground and regular sex. This is a win-win situation for him.
I have experience and training in dealing with abusive people. As a rule they don’t intend or set off to have an abusive relationship, but it gradually develops slowly. He now has emotional control over you, physical control... he calls all the shots. I could probably find a picture-perfect description of his behavior on page 67 of the textbook I had on the course I took...
I would be willing to place money on this happening:
If you were to tell him that yes – he can do better and that you are setting him free from this relationship and if YOU were to end this relationship.
His initial reaction would be to scream what a whore you are, how glad he is and all that, before storming away.
If you could resist calling him then within 3 days he will be sending you messages about the dates he’s on, what a whore you are and how happy he is.
If you can resist replying then within 10 days he will be sending you messages about how he misses you and all that.
If you respond then within 20 days you will be back with him.
Do that, and within 25 days he will be shouting at you, demanding you leave and come back tomorrow for sex.
My suggestion:
Take a break. Reach a mutual agreement of no contact for maybe 14 days. During that time, seek guidance. Talk to a trauma specialist, an abuse specialist, your mom and sister. Try to see what is good in the relationship, and what isn’t. Understand what it is you so desperately want to save. Heck... if you want to be dependent on for feeding and occasional cuddles but totally ignored in-between... get a cat.
To summarize: What you are trying to save is not the relationship you think it is. Four years might sound long, but it’s probably 5% of the lifespan of an average female. Unfortunately it’s probably 15% of the lifespan of a domestically abused female...