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Werewolves ans vampires!


 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 2:38 AM on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Yes. Werewolves and vampires.

My youngest brought to my attention the complete lack of logic regarding the above creatures and it's not what you might think.

While driving with the twins, I pointed out to them the moon in the daytime sky. It was large and bright. Big D then said "hey mom you wanna know what doesn't make sense about the moon?" And the journey into how this kid thinks began.

Me: ok what's up with the moon?

Big D: well you know how we only see the moon because it's the light that reflects off the sun right?

Me: yes

Big D: well werewolves only come out in a full moon so like when it's got the most light from the sun.

Me: yes.

Big D: then why don't they come out during the day? Techically moonlight is still sunlight.

And before I could even try to answer he continues...

Big D: and for that matter why don't vampires burn up at night? Moonlight is still just sunlight bouncing off the moon!

Not wanting to just tell him I didn't know I said maybe it has to do with the strength of the light in the case of the vampires and the werewolves maybe it's the combination of a full moon with the sun/moonlight.

I love how this kid thinks!

He loves to read and is always looking up how things work but he gets bored easily. He finishes his books the same day he gets them. He points out inconsistencies in movies. He questions everything. In school hes doing great but hates going. I think he needs to be challenged more. Does anyone have recommendations for things i can get him? Puzzle/riddle books maybe? A kids science book series?

TIA grin

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8859312

leafields ( Guide #63517) posted at 7:38 AM on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Instead of you providing an answer, why not ask what Big D thinks? You're right - a very different way for Big D to think of things.

What about introducing Big D to Sherlock Holmes, or Agatha Christie novels, or something similar and asking to have the novel critiqued?

Another option is to look at library reading lists for classical novels. Have Big D read them either just to say I've read this classic, or to say I started to read this classic but just couldn't.

Maybe do a compare the book to the movie series?

Just spit-balling.

BW M 34years, Dday 1: March 2018, Dday 2: August 2019, D final 2/25/21

posts: 4317   ·   registered: Apr. 21st, 2018   ·   location: Washington State
id 8859321

 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 12:50 PM on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Oh good ideas thank you.

I have asked him what things he'd like and usually all he says is more books.

I do have The Lord of The Rings books and we have the movies. I have a few Harry potter books as well.

I have a set of the chose your own adventure books. I couldn't find any in our local Coles store, I have to order them, but I think he'd like those.

I'll take him to our library and see what they have for him.

He also says he wants to fly planes. I know someone with their license who has offered to take him for a ride to see if he really wants to fly. Just waiting for better weather.

I got us all crafts to do over the holidays. That's more for his sister than him. He's got issues with his hand strength and uses assistive devices at school because writing is difficult for him.

Actually clay might be a good thing for him. He is very creative and it will help build up his hands.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8859331

tushnurse ( member #21101) posted at 2:46 PM on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

I'd ask the teachers or ne to grade u0 teachers what they recommend. My boy was super smart and always bored. The school worked with me on finding challenging workbooks and computer programs to keep that brain going.
He struggled with keeping quiet home he finished his work some did lots books that he could read when done with whatever the assignment was.

We also did a learn to type program in downtime. This was a very smart thing. Both my kids can type well and made school and projects easier.

Me: FBSHim: FWSKids: 23 & 27 Married for 32 years now, was 16 at the time.D-Day Sept 26 2008R'd in about 2 years. Old Vet now.

posts: 20319   ·   registered: Oct. 1st, 2008   ·   location: St. Louis
id 8859341

 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 6:02 PM on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

I have spoken to his teacher but his grades slipped a bit when things happened here. It's not that he can't do the work he was just not interested in doing it. His IC has helped so much.

Big D never shuts up either lol. I've told him I would have taken him to the movies to see Godzilla if he could just sit quietly and watch, but he never can.

I don't know how well he types on a computer keyboard. On his tablet it's all thumbs. His issue is that he doesn't write hard enough, not even enough for the smart board. So they have a speech to text program for him if he needs to write out something long.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8859354

Shehawk ( member #68741) posted at 2:45 PM on Friday, January 24th, 2025

Admiring his logic :)

"It's a slow fade...when you give yourself away" so don't do it!

posts: 1878   ·   registered: Nov. 5th, 2018   ·   location: US
id 8859430

 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 2:00 AM on Sunday, January 26th, 2025

Me too. He has a way of looking at the world that's enlightening. He's always keeping me on my toes.

He found a package of pipe cleaners from a craft kit and has been making small dinosaurs.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8859640

1994 ( member #82615) posted at 12:20 AM on Monday, January 27th, 2025

Enjoy that age. I miss the random things my kids would say. My youngest is now 18 and the oldest is 25. Not nearly as much fun.
Case in point:

DS (4 at the time): Where do hamburgers come from?
Me: Cows
DS: What about bacon?
Me: Pigs
DS: (skeptically) What about Fruit Loops?
Me: Zebras
DS: (pauses thoughtfully) Zebras are delicious

posts: 244   ·   registered: Dec. 25th, 2022   ·   location: USA
id 8859690

 DragnHeart (original poster member #32122) posted at 1:54 AM on Monday, January 27th, 2025

Watched the last of the Jurassic World movies and as expected Big D couldn't be quiet at all lol. He had to go into the history of the movies starting with the first and then explaining the history if each dinosaur. Not that I mind him learning cool stuff like that but it would be nice to just sit and watch a movie.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25872   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8859692
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