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Newest Member: GettingThere08

Wayward Side :
Reality check

Topic is Sleeping.

Darkness Falls ( member #27879) posted at 2:26 AM on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

Seriously, who cares about their opinions.

Seriously, who cares about YOURS?

If you don’t like our opinions, maybe "take a long walk off a short pier" out of our forum, since you obviously can’t read them without being triggered. Bye. 👋🏻

[This message edited by Darkness Falls at 11:42 AM, Wednesday, August 23rd]

Married -> I cheated -> We divorced -> We remarried -> Had two kids -> Now we’re miserable again

Staying together for the kids

D-day 2010

posts: 6490   ·   registered: Mar. 8th, 2010   ·   location: USA
id 8805241
Topic is Sleeping.
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