Had to think about this for awhile. Introspection is not always pleasant. Anyway . . .
I never upgraded my club membership. Why not?
I find myself sexually aroused probably 100 times in a typical week. Occasionally, my wife is the cause; sometimes even intentional on her part.
But the great majority of the time, it’s something else. Could be a steamy love scene on TV. A Playboy on the rack in a store. A woman bending over to get something on the bottom shelf in the grocery store. Sometimes, there’s no discernible reason at all. It’s always pleasant, although sometimes inconvenient. But, for sure, getting me sexually aroused is not the exclusive province of my wife. So if I go to the Club, and it’s 101 times that week instead of 100, big deal.
But beyond arousal, when you get to oral and PIV, and orgasms, and intimacy; that IS the exclusive province of my wife. And I value her greatly for the sexual pleasure and intimacy she can provide (lots of other reasons, too, don’t get mad at me). Should I start getting that from other women, I think I would necessarily value my wife less, in this area. And I don’t want to devalue my wife and our relationship. It’s too important to me.
So maybe that’s it for your husband. But, your husband’s Club was private, so not the same as mine, and something else occurs to me.
We advance relationships in various ways. The first kiss, the first fondle, meeting the parents, moving in, proposals, etc., all advance the relationship.
The OW offering oral to your husband was certainly her attempting to advance the relationship. But he turned her down. He didn’t want to advance the relationship any further. You can feel good about that. And it must have hurt her feelings, big time. You can feel good about that, too.
Finally, we want life partners for many reasons, important reasons. And when the life partner we have chosen shows any signs of a lack of commitment, it’s scary. Certainly, your husband’s actions are so interpreted by you, even if you buy what I’m saying. It will take time and consistent behavior on his part for you to feel safe again.
Your husband didn’t upgrade his membership. He didn’t want to devalue you and/or advance the relationship with her. Big ego boost to you.
But you’re scared. Of course you are.
The two emotions are not contradictory. The fear will fade. The ego boost might be forever.
And, turning her down shows some character. He’s not a lost cause.
Best wishes