((((DevastatedMother))) I'm really sorry you're here.
I know that the prevailing opinion is that you should wait, gather evidence, etc.
The thing is, waiting and gathering evidence serves only one purpose: it convinces the BS that the WS is cheating.
You already know. Please don't let others convince you you made a grave error. You had enough to satisfy yourself, and NO ONE ELSE is interested in the "evidence." No lawyer, no judge, no one.
No one except, perhaps, the spouses of the women your husband met. For them, I would keep copies of what you found.
Yes, you've given your husband the opportunity to delete incriminating evidence. That doesn't un-fuck women you know he met, so that really isn't all that big of an error.
If you are satisfied you have what YOU need, do not give a moment's thought to having "tipped your hand," or somehow have handled this incorrectly.
Do hang on to the evidence you have. The reason for this is simply to remind YOURSELF, when your husband twists the truth, lies, and tries (as hard as he will) to convince you that there is something wrong with YOU--that you are insane, evil, delusional, sick---that you, in fact, know the truth.
I know it sounds crazy, but some WSs will work very, very hard---at great cost to their spouses' emotional well-being---to convince their BSs that they are wrong, that they are crazy. Be prepared for this. Be prepared, when your husband starts this to look him in the eye, and tell him to immediately stop---that he will NOT jeopardize your physical and emotional well-being by doing this. He's harmed you enough.
In the meantime,if you're inclined, you can continue to gather what evidence remains before he deletes it. It is a given that he will scrub his devices. If each detail is important to you, investigate data recovery.
But the fact of the matter is that you already know all you need to know about your husband, his activities, and most importantly, his character.
The one thing you MUST do ---today---is schedule STD testing.
I'm really, really sorry.
[This message edited by solus sto at 8:43 AM, August 20th (Thursday)]