I have trouble with his "I love you" because, as he admitted to his EA partner, he was never in love with me. He knows now (well, he wrote this in his journal) that he always was in love with her, from the moment he met her in Sept of 1986. But we'd just moved in together, in a new city, new state. She was from Switzerland, visiting friends in the USA. He was afraid... didn't want to hurt me, didn't want to hurt our relationship for something he didn't even know existed, didn't want to tell her his feelings because their friendship (all 4 days of it) was so special. HE WROTE THIS IN MAY OF 2020. So I know he was never in love with me, know he was thinking of leaving me in 1992 when she told him she was getting married (because they'd exchanged letters about once a year), said that was the last time he cried as an adult. I found out about their EA in April 2018 when he asked me to bring his laptop to him at work. I had no suspicions at all when I opened the laptop to see if I should bring the charger, too... and there is all was on FB messenger, long emotional, loving conversations. Not stupid, I checked his email and found a second "friend." Confronted, ignored, lied to, trickled...he thinks he is so tech-savvy but I can read his email and many of his files. This is how I found out, in July of 2020, that he'd asked her to snail mail, only to his work address, and that's when I also found out about the secret email account that only the 2 of them use. For 3 years it's been TT. Last July was my last encounter (I moved to our spare room in May 2020), told him if there was no explanation of everything by Sept 2020 I would consider that he didn't care if I stayed or divorced him. Of course, nothing... so before seeing a lawyer in Oct 2020, I sent her an email asking for a full explanation of what she thought her relationship with my DH might be, giving her some of the details of his writings. Suddenly the email address I had for her was shut down and her FB page has disappeared to me. I have no idea if they ended it or not.. the only thing he ever said to me was "In the email C sent, telling me never to contact her again, she did say she never intended to break up our marriage." He's never really admitted, never explained, is offended that I read his FB and email (he doesn't know what I can still access), feels his privacy has been violated, feels he'll never get over things I said to him in anger (things like "F-you" and "I hate you" and stuff). I stay because I am 65, don't want to grow old alone, don't want to start over, we have entwined retirement, cars, house, I can live in celibacy (17 years and going strong), I'm financially better off with him than not. We get along, have our conversations, go out, have a good time, people think we have such a great relationship. I mourn the loss of our marriage, I mourn the loss of my past now that I know it never was what I thought it was...
So YES, I have trouble with his hugs, his "I love you"