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Newest Member: Graceful

Reconciliation :
Don't think I can take the mental gymnastics anymore....leaning towards signing the papers for D :(

Topic is Sleeping.

Copingmybest ( member #78962) posted at 10:47 AM on Thursday, June 20th, 2024

Lessthinking, 9 months is still pretty early to expect much growth, at least in my experience. For me year 2 was the hardest. By then the full reality had set in, my therapist at that time had outlived his usefulness. He had helped me through the initial pain and was positive and supportive, but at 2-3/4 year mark, I was in a pretty bad place and I knew something had to seriously change, that’s when I looked into EMDR therapy. I lucked out and found an amazing therapist. She challenged me on so many levels, helped me identify issues from my past that molded my adult life. We really evaluated my desires and needs. I went from feeling like an unlovable nothing to a confident individual who now stands up for what I believe and demands respect from others. She was a godsend to say the least. I am now responsible for my own happiness and my own emotional needs. I don’t "need" anyone. People in my life are there by choice, not need. I’m now planning fun activities I had given up when I married and had children. I’m excited for the things I’m planning to return to. Not sure if my WW will be there or not and I’m not really too concerned about whether she is or not.
Work on you and being a stronger version of you and pick the path forward that shows where the most happiness will be.

posts: 318   ·   registered: Jun. 16th, 2021   ·   location: Midwest
id 8840180
Topic is Sleeping.
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