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Child support payments

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 Nanatwo (original poster member #45274) posted at 4:51 AM on Friday, June 23rd, 2023

My son received a letter from our County Prosecutors Office that he owes $4,000.00 in back child support and they would be rescinding his driver's license until back payment were made.

He immediately called the Prosecutors Office and told him that his wages were being garnished weekly for child support and he had the back paystubs from the time garnishment orders were sent to his employer in March 2021 showing child support was being deducted from his wages. They asked him to forward copies of these paystubs and they would then contact his employer regarding payments.

I was surprised to learn that it is not uncommon for employers to withhold child support - then not forward payments on to the state - leaving the poor dads stuck in the middle and looking like dead beat dads.

I am wondering if he should go ahead and hire a lawyer - which he really can't afford - or wait until he sees what the Prosecutor can accomplish?

My son has repeatedly talked to his employer - but they just keep giving him the run around saying it is being taken care of. It is a very small company - a husband and wife own the company and there are only 4 employees - so there is no Human Resources Office he can go to.

Any advice? This situation has him really upset! He is concerned that even though he can prove child support his been taken deducted from his wages - he will ultimately be responsible for the back payments.

Time heals what reason cannot. Seneca

First the truth. Then, maybe, reconciliation. Louise Penny

posts: 623   ·   registered: Oct. 18th, 2014   ·   location: Indiana
id 8796526
Topic is Sleeping.
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