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Superesse ( member #60731) posted at 8:26 PM on Thursday, October 5th, 2023

Tushnurse, thanks again. I just had pulled the thick veterinary manual off the shelf to read up on ear yeast infection, and it noted the peak skin allergy season is late summer, as this vet mentioned. The book likewise listed a very common cause of ear problems as allergy to a food, as you found with your fur kiddos.

I knew corn was a no-no for GSDs. Maybe it's common for corn-fed chicken to also cause allergy in some dogs. We live in the poultry belt here, and the corn my farmer takes off this place is usually sold to the regional poultry food plants for grinding. They also buy our small grains. Wish I knew more about that chicken production process; we hear horror stories from friends who inspect chickens at the local processing plant. I wonder if the 'reject' birds get sold for dog food.

Anyway, looks like I should start researching another change in Mink's puppy food, even though he just loves this 36% protein, high-priced puppy kibble. Earlier on, he had refused to eat a good quality, beef-based kibble with 28% protein; I think the blood meal it contained was too strong for his tastebuds. So he is selective, but this feed, he always begs for his breakfast, lunch and dinner. I hate when they turn up their noses at their food, and I want to keep him on a good growing ration he will eat.

Vet spoke about possibly trying a salmon-based diet. I thought "yikes, when we fed old Mr. K a salmon kibble, his breathe would reek like fish!"

Honestly, that manual describes so many scary things dogs can suffer from, that I tend to freak out just reading it. So, TGfTN! (((Tushnurse)))

posts: 2250   ·   registered: Sep. 22nd, 2017   ·   location: Washington D C area
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Topic is Sleeping.
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