I would like to ask your some questions,
Is your wife a trigger at this moment? The sight of her unleashes mind movies or anger? OR you feel better around her?
Have you told your younger kids about the Affair? If you are leaving home they would wonder why. IMO in better they know from you both than find out other way. Also if you are trying 180, they will notice the distance between you and your wife.
Did you already define the dynamics of you being out home? I mean, if you want to do 180 and detach, the minimum contact with your WW is a must. Not texting unless is about finances, kids, etc. Also your need to get legal advice about being out of your own home if you end in a court D battle (I doubt your get to that but your wife already proved she is capable of do thing you never thought). Be very careful.
Regarding the interaction with your kids without your wife being there, IMO developing a schedule may help.
Other question, before the affair did you spend time with your kids in a family way, I mean family activities including all of you, your wife included, or it was you and your kids always? If not the new reality will hit her really hard as it will be a taste of what would be like to be D.
Regarding about your getting out and her worries about you get a little revenge, I believe that she feels / knows that is losing you. She believes that any interaction you may have with another female in aromatic way will drastically reduce her chance to get you into R. IMO a RA besides all the negative consequences, that are a lot btw, gives to the BS a ego boost, the chance to feel that the grown has been levered (unfortunately not just in the excitement and fun but in the guilt, shame, ect), the feel desired and important to someone else, etc. IMO this is not your case as your WW, as I believe, she never sexually rejected you, talked back to you in a rude way, etc, in a nut shell you didn’t notice a things about her affair.
I strongly believe she won’t contact OM as she is going to face a bit more of her affair outcome. Of course I may be mistaken but I am betting on you getting R as she is doing so far the right things. We will see.
IMO a very important thing about 180’ is try to be happy, I know it sound ridiculous right now but at least try to enjoy yourself, try weight lifting if you are not into it, get into a new hobby, met new people, etc. As I point out before, I don’t believe you are into a RA but if you start going out, just with friends to have a good time, and get some attention from the ladies you may feel an ego boost. I am not saying that you need to pursuit, just try to enjoy it if it is not a trigger.
Last thing, this is going to hit your kids really hard ( I am not saying you shouldn’t get out, I am the living proof that is better to come from a broken home than to live in one) so try to talk to them about how are they feeling individually. Reassure them that you will always be there and that you both love them very much and let them know that your wife feeling that lead her to have the affair have nothing to do with them. Better not to enter in detail about how your WW was feeling before and during her affair, tired of being a mom all the time, etc. They don’t need to know this as this was part of her rationalization to allow herself do what she did.
Well IMO you both have a lot to work on to make your separation productive.
Good luck