Topic is Sleeping.
ThisIsSoLonely ( Guide #64418) posted at 10:21 PM on Monday, October 7th, 2024
I would give you the same advice as I would if one of my kids was getting serious about someone that was dealing with an addiction – be it substance or sexual or whatever... Don’t get serious – don’t get involved. At the very least wait until at least 5 years sober. Then see if the person is still doing the work required to remain sober. Then and only then consider a relationship, but be aware that the odds of a relapse are seriously higher than the odds of no relapse.
This. 100 times this.
So if you think you are willing to wait it out, then go ahead. So long as you know you are committing to such a long and difficult path, the choice is yours of course. But something tells me that a year from now you will be so glad if you don't.
[This message edited by ThisIsSoLonely at 4:10 PM, Tuesday, October 8th]
You are the only person you are guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with. Act accordingly.
Constantly editing posts: usually due to sticky keys on my laptop or additional thoughts
Topic is Sleeping.