Newest Member: Eliz
Signs of Cheating
submitted by Members of, Compiled by MsLonely
This is a list compiled by the members of Surviving Infidelity of some of the signs that a significant other may be cheating.
- Secretive phone calls
- Unreachable by phone
- Unexplained numbers on phone bill
- If you call their cell phone and get the call waiting beep...they say they weren't using the phone.
- Never leaves the house without their cell phone/pager
- Hang up calls or someone always saying they've got the wrong number when you answer
- Hiding cell phone or pager
- Strange numbers on pager (could be codes)
- Hiding cell phone/home phone bills/credit card statements
- Phone bills changed from detailed to normal
- Acting different( short tempered, distant, defensive, etc.)
- Neglecting chores at home
- Picking fights over trivial things in order to get you to leave the house, or so they can leave the house
- Accusing YOU of cheating
- Withdrawing from you/family/friends
- Pointing out YOUR flaws
- Telling you that you'll talk about your relationship concerns when it's more "convenient"
- Little input into future plans with you
- Telling you your concerns about the relationship are "all in your head"
- Avoid any conversation with you other than basics ( "when's dinner", etc.)
- The " I love you, but I’m not IN love with you " talk
- New interest in exercise/diet
- More time at the gym
- Sleeping ALOT
- New cologne/perfume
- New wardrobe
- Suddenly carrying breath fresheners( gum, mints, etc.) with them constantly
- New password protection on computer
- Secret e-mail accounts
- Up on computer to all hours
- Closing dialogue windows on the computer when you walk into the room
- Erasing computer history after every use
- Unexplained purchases on credit card
- ATM withdrawals at unusual locations
- Extra mileage on the car
- Errands that should take 1/2 hour take much longer
- Claims to do things they've never done before ( shop, etc.)
- Buying expensive flowers or gifts for no reason ( if they've not done that before)
- Getting a detailed daily itinerary from you so you won't cross paths
- Leaves early for work or comes home late more
- Claims to work overtime, yet no overtime on checks
- Mentioning a "friend" but never introducing you
- Too many visits to "friends"
- The he's/she's just a friend story
- Lying about where they've been or whom they are with
- Coming home late saying they " just lost track of time"
- Regular friends to both of you acting weird or embarrassed around you
- Offers to go to the store when they usually wouldn't
- Sends you to the store when they could easily go themselves
- Unknown cigarette butts in ashtrays
- Passenger seat position changes
- Changes in sexual behavior with you (may be more or less frequency) or different techniques
- Hiding Viagra
- Hiding condoms