At three years past a dday where an LTA was had it’s not unusual that you are still grieving and feel the way you describe.
My husband had an LTA (though not nearly as long as hers) that ended about 5 years ago. And about a year ago they changed one of his medications and suddenly sex happened only when I pursued and many times not even then. So I understand the feelings of frustration, rejection, and wondering if this was a permanent change. This was really hard because we had been working on our sex life and it had been grown to a place that was getting more exciting than it had been in a long time. It is depressing not thinking it will come back.
On the flip side of that, there was a period of time I wanted him less after the affair. Not because of the Ap or anything like that. It was because he understandably wasn’t as affectionate, there was a lot less loving non sexual touches, and I felt like he was repulsed by me. Which probably he was. But women especially are turned on by what happens throughout the day. I need to feel emotional connection and also I like the anticipation to build.
Also I will also say that as we age our bodies change and I see you know that. But what I didn’t know until our sexual resurrection is that what I wanted and needed sexually had changed from the standard "go tos" that always reliably worked for us in the past. I needed more novelty and other components. After experimenting I learned I preferred a different sexual position as my favorite than I once did. Our skin is thinner as we age so it was um, a friction thing?
It’s all an experiment and when both people value their sex life generally sitting down and coming up with some new things to try. In fact, I asked him to initiate differently even.
So after all that work and success, and suddenly viagra was needed and not all that effective I thought well shit, I totally missed the boat here. We have always been active and all that but we were in a phase I was genuinely enjoying to have it come to a screeching halt.And I thought things like you that he gave a lot of it away.
However, I was soon reminded that even though we are getting older, the ebb and flow of that still happens. He had changed his meds and for months afterwards it didn’t look at all like that was going to give us a reprieve. But eventually it’s started to swing back the other way. Turns out we think he had felt depressed and anxious over his job loss last year. I had gone back to work to keep us afloat so he could make a true run at his business full time. He felt like he wasn’t contributing, providing, and that he as probably the larger culprit.
All this to say, it’s normal to want to experience a highly satisfying sex life no matter if you are a men or woman. There are ebbs and flows of that in any long term relationship, and just because we are older doesn’t mean the flow doesn’t come back. We may not be at it every single day or as often as we used to but it can be more satisfying.
Also to say of course you feel the way you do. And no one ever wants to bring it up to their spouse because who wants a pity fuck? Not me! But I just said to him, I miss our closeness and I would like us to still get naked regularly and touch and kiss and if it goes further great! If not at least we are staying connected. That openness did wonders and was part of what helped bring it back this last time.
I know it’s different because if the cheating, I totally get that. But in reality, this slump you find yourself in likely is something that visits from time to time even if no affair had occurred. I am sure that’s little comfort to you as you mourn the losses you feel but 3 years out from a LTA discovery is not at all enough for you to have it all processed yet. I would encourage you to be open with her and allow the two of you to navigate it together.
[This message edited by hikingout at 7:16 PM, Wednesday, March 19th]