Hello Everyone,
Like most here, I truly never thought I would find myself in this situation. I cheated on my wife. It was a foolish, selfish, and impulsive act, and I am remorseful. I have a difficult time even believing what I’ve done. I have resolved to use the guilt and remorse that I feel now as motivation to work on myself and be a better man and husband. I come here humbly asking for any support and insight you can offer.
The incident was a single, brief encounter that will never be repeated. It occurred a little over a month ago. I met with an escort while traveling abroad. While this doesn’t mitigate what I did in the slightest, I will mention that it was legal in the country in question. It was a few minutes of selfish stupidity and I’m never going to let it happen again.
My wife and I have been together for 9 years and married for 5. We are both in our mid-30s. My wife is an angel, my whole world. She is the most kind, caring, fun, and vivacious woman I’ve ever met in my life. She is very outgoing and expressive with her motions. I am extremely introverted and reserved. We make an incredible team and have an amazing life together. I credit her with everything that is good in my life. We are in a great place financially and (aside from whatever is wrong inside of me that led to this) are in a wonderful place in our relationship. We both have our individual issues, mine most apparent now, but I have absolutely no major complaints with her or our relationship. Probably our biggest shared passion is travelling. We love to travel abroad and are fortunate to be able to do so several times a year, often for extended periods.
This past summer, I decided to leave a very toxic job after dealing with burnout for a couple of years. My wife was very supportive of this. We did some travelling over the summer together, and spent a couple of months in abroad while I studied language and she worked remotely. The travelling and studying were wonderful for me. It kept me occupied. When we returned home, I started struggling with my self-worth. I started to feel depressed, feeling like I wasn’t contributing enough. I was more or less a house husband. All I did was the shopping, cooking, and cleaning most days. It didn't feel like I was doing enough to earn my keep. We have my family nearby, but our relationship with them is quite limited, and most of my friends live in another city. I felt very isolated, lost, and adrift. My wife has been nothing but supportive during all of this.
I finally started going to therapy in the fall to address these issues. Aside from being depressed, I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. The diagnoses and going to therapy have helped considerably. One of the issues my therapist identified was that I had become nearly completely isolated and therefore dependent upon my wife. In order to work on these issues, it was decided that I should take a solo trip so I could work on being on my own and try and find some clarity with what I wanted to do moving forward with my life. So, I took a 10-day international solo trip earlier this year. While certainly productive to those ends, I ultimately screwed it up by being a selfish fool and doing what I’ve done.
One night while I was on the trip, some madness overcame me, and I started looking at ads for escorts online. As I said previously, it is perfectly legal and (unfortunately) easy to find in that country. I will admit that I had been tempted to look them up before out of arousal-fueled curiosity in the past, but never took it any further. I was overwhelmed with my solitude, arousal, and curiosity, and in a moment of selfishness and weakness, I contacted one. We met and had sex once. Obviously, it was just a physical encounter, nothing emotional. Protection was used, and everything was as safe as possible. The whole experience was absolutely bizarre. It felt like I was outside my body watching someone else do these things.
After it was over, I immediately felt terrible and guilty. But, I was able to avoid confronting those feelings for a while. The travelling made it easy to stay distracted. I met up with my wife in another country a few days later, and our trip continued on for a couple more weeks. During this time, I didn’t struggle much with what I’d done. Again, the travelling kept me distracted. I also started interviewing for a very promising job.
Once we returned to our home, and the guilt and remorse hit me like a ton of bricks. Combine that with the jet lag and the stress of job interviews after being out of work for so long, and I was a mess for about a week. I couldn’t sleep and could barely focus on anything other than my feelings of guilt and shame. I felt this sickening, "call-of-the-void"-like urge to confess often. I’ve had to fight to keep myself busy and push through the negative emotions. Now, as I write this, I’ve thankfully reached a point where the feelings are much less acute and distressing. I’m sleeping better and have started going on long walks to think and get exercise.
I’ve been reading a lot online, watching videos, and doing a lot of introspection as I’ve started to work through all of this. As I said previously, I’ve resolved to use this failure as an opportunity to do better and work on myself. I’ve gained a considerable amount of perspective on areas where I’ve been selfish or lacking as a husband and I’m working on being better there. I’m trying to put my wife needs first in everything that I do, and I’ve reinvested myself in taking care of her and our home life, and it feels good.
I’ve really tried to zero in on why I did what I did, and aside from just being selfish and stupid, one of the things I’ve identified is that I have a lot of unresolved trauma and sexual repression that I need to deal with. I grew up in a very conservative, repressive religious environment. I have a lot of trauma from this time, and it is the primary cause of the strained relationship I have with my family, though they don’t seem to realize it. My upbringing deeply repressed me sexually, and built a lot of shame and self-hatred into my views on sex. This, coupled with my introverted, passive nature, made it very difficult to have a healthy and fulfilling sex life for many years. Even after I left home, away from the church, and went to college, I still struggled. I lived like most hormonal young college guys, but I didn’t have much success with girls. I tried to put myself out there, but my issues made it difficult. I often felt shame and disgust for my desires, and I think it made me hesitant to really embrace my sexuality. I had a few encounters in college, but they were almost all one-night stands that nearly always left me feeling worse afterwards. The closest things I’ve had to a relationship prior to my wife were a couple of brief flings. Things always seemed to die out as I inevitably felt the weight of my sexual shame come crashing down on top of me.
My wife knows most of this and has been very supportive of me in this regard. We have a wonderful sex life. My libido is higher than hers, but we have sex at least 3 times a week, often times more. So, I really have no room to complain there. I struggle with my confidence in initiating, and since she can be somewhat passive as well, it has led to some minor issues of frustration at times. All this is to say we generally have a great sex life.
As I’ve worked through all of this these last few weeks, here’s what I’ve come to. First and foremost, my failure has been caused by my own foolishness and inability to control selfish physical urges. This is a major issue that I need to address and find a way to address in a healthy manner. But, a big underlying issue is my unresolved trauma and sexual repression. Even though I have a wonderful sex life now, the years of repression has often made me wonder if I was missing out on anything. I think it was these wonderings that led me down the path of looking up escorts and ultimately acting on my urges. I learned, quite clearly, that there is nothing I’m missing at this point. A physical encounter will always be lacking if there is no emotional connection. That is what truly makes it special, beautiful, and fulfilling. While it was a lesson I unfortunately had to learn the hard way, and I regret the way in which it had to be learned, I’m glad I’ve finally learned it. Now, I just need to work on letting go of the trauma so I can focus on moving forward and being better for myself and my wife.
The last thing I’ll say is that I’ve decided not to tell my wife. I know many people will disagree with this decision, and that is fine. Certainly, I’m fearful of her reaction and everything that I could lose, I won’t deny that. But, my perspective given the realities of my specific circumstances, is that telling her would do more harm than good. My urge to confess is another selfish desire, driven by a need to alleviate my feelings of pain and guilt. Doing so would not relieve me of any of my feelings and would only cause her pain as well. I’ve already screwed up enough, and I want to contain the pain and damage this has caused to myself as much as possible. I know some people will point to ethical reasons why I should tell her, and I don’t necessarily disagree, but I’m focused most on harm reduction now. I know I messed up and have a long road ahead of me. But, I’ve resolved to do the work that I need to do. Thank you for reading all of this mess. I would really appreciate any advice and feedback you can give me.