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Newest Member: Laurita2025

Reconciliation :
Is this really on the path to reconciliation?


BraveSirRobin ( member #69242) posted at 1:54 PM on Sunday, December 29th, 2024

To answer the question you posed as a title for this thread, no. Your WW has zero remorse beyond the regret of making a bad bet on her AP. Her behavior does not prove that she has absorbed the impact of her actions on you (she honestly seems pretty indifferent to the impact her actions had on you). Rather, it suggests that she will choose her next AP more carefully.

I'm telling you this as a reformed WS. The most dangerous quality in a cheating spouse is the belief that they are the prize who must be won back into the marriage. The possibility of genuine R died the day she told you that your post-affair efforts had proven you "worthy of her love." She isn't worthy of yours. You can continue to give it to her anyway, but you will never be safe with her if you do. Her resentment at being held accountable is all the excuse she will need to cheat again, and you've already uncovered the support system that will enable her when she does.


posts: 3692   ยท   registered: Dec. 27th, 2018
id 8857321
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