Just Friends
My WW minimizes her affair as not really being an affair. She claims there was no physical intimacy, but their relationship began as sexual video chats and moved into the real world as co-workers with a shared sexual history and a secret "just friends" relationship. The fact that she kept it all hidden for five years tells me everything I need to know about the character of their relationship.
10 comments posted: Thursday, February 13th, 2025
D-Day, I Knew Before She Said It
When my wife sat me down to tell me something and said I should hold her feet in my lap so I might not be so mad, I knew what she was going to say. And when she said it, I was not surprised. I was shocked, angered, saddened, but not surprised. I had no evidence of her affairs, just my gut feeling in certain situations. I've had that same gut feeling in various situations with her going back more than twenty years. D-Day confirmed that those feelings were not my imagination running wild. They were alarms.
8 comments posted: Thursday, February 13th, 2025
The Cognitive Dissonance is Real
My WW confessed to me a week ago today. Before she was done confessing she gave me the line "We're just friends". She started an online relationship with him 5 years ago. Then a year ago she found a job online, applied for it, interviewed for it, and got the job. It turns out her online partner gave her the job lead and became her boss. So for a year she also lied to me about how she got the job. They regularly text each other on Whatsapp outside of work. I think she convinced herself that I would be okay with it if she confessed. Now he's been trying to coach her on how to handle me. It's so twisted.
4 comments posted: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025