Feel like I’m stuck
13 months out from Dday, lots has happened between then and now, and I feel like I’ve really hit a wall.
Basically I feel nothing really and I don’t know how to pull myself out of this. WS is doing a lot of work on himself and making changes, though this has only been happening for the last 3 months or so. He put me through a lot of hell before he turned it all around.
In general we get along well and have good easy conversations. However, I struggle with intimacy, I think about the ONS all the time, and I struggle romantically a lot of the time, like most of the time.
I’ve tried reading self help books, I can’t concentrate. Tried watching videos/listening to podcasts, I switch off and stop paying attention. Can’t afford counselling for both of us. He’s currently in NA which seems to help with the addiction side of things but doesn’t address the infidelity. He doesn’t want to do IC but said he’d do MC. I don’t feel ready for MC. Ideally we both need IC which I feel like we could maybe work into our budget if we really tried but he doesn’t want to go.
I’m really struggling with being present in anything. Did a yoga video the other day and in a pose where I was sat with my eyes closed realised my mind had wandered and the video has moved on without me realising and was still sat there. When I talk to colleagues or friends, particularly on the phone, I find I haven’t been listening and don’t know what they’re talking about. I try to read novels which I usually love and have to reread paragraphs because I’ve not taken it in. Can’t watch a tv show because my wind wanders.
I put the most effort into being present with my kids and feel like there’s none of that left for anyone else, not even myself.
Any advice on how to knock myself out of whatever this is would be very much appreciated. I just feel like I’m not really here right now.
9 comments posted: Monday, March 17th, 2025
Giving myself the day to wallow
So the anniversary of my WS’s ONS has arrived. Dday was a few days later, although I knew he’d done something anyway immediately.
I was supposed to be at work, was dreading it slightly but thought can it really be that bad? Does it mean anything that it’s the annviersary? It’s not like it’s happening again?
It’s hit me like a ton of bricks and I’m quite surprised by how sad I’ve woken up. I’ve called in sick to work. Kids are at school, WS is at work.
I didn’t think I’d need it but I’m giving myself the day to wallow. Finally admitted to my WS that I have been struggling again, but kind of shut down any response from him which was probably silly. I said I don’t want to talk about it but this is how I’m feeling and I need a little space for a few days/weeks. Had a bad day yesterday too. One of my kids brought up a little family trip we took not long after DDay, was saying how much fun it was and could we do it again, and all I could think was that trip was probably the worst few days of my life, trying to act like we were all good and having a great time and I was literally filled with rage and sadness and confusion, I was just distraught. It was a horrific trip and I cried myself to sleep in the hotel.
He’s doing everything right now, but it took him almost the whole year to put those changes into place.
I’m going to let myself sit with the misery and the grief and the pain of the last year for today, and then I’m going to put on my big girl boots and carry on.
I am struggling to accept the good things lately, after so much rubbish, so any advice on how to do that would be greatly appreciated.
4 comments posted: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
Almost a year
I haven’t been very active on here for a bit. There’s been a lot going on and I’ve had to put the infidelity issues on the back burner for a little while.
I can’t even remember what I posted here before Christmas but I had asked him to leave and though he said he wanted to stay, he was showing very little care about any of it. Then a few days before Christmas he confessed to a drug relapse, an old issue that had never been fully dealt with. He’s done a complete 180 since then. I said I’d give him three months at my home while he got back on his feet, as long as he was taking drug tests every couple of days to prove he’s not using anything, and then we’d see where we are and think about what comes next.
He’s going to NA meetings, quit his away job, deleted all but one social media (an insta for an old band that he’s no longer in, just to browse reels and things), deleted loads of contacts, changed his number, cut ties with certain friends, signed a full time contract at his day job, shares location, open access to all devices.
It has been hard for me to grasp if I’m honest, I don’t quite know what to make of it all. I’m glad that he’s making all these changes and that he’s doing this properly, for himself and for our kids, and I had almost forgotten our other big issue for a second.
But the dday anniversary is approaching next month and I’ve had a rough few days. We have taken a step back from dealing with this while we deal with his drug problem, and the break from it was quite nice. I hadn’t been thinking about it. Was going through my search history on my phone to look for something and found his ONS insta profile on there and the spiral began. I’ve been looking at her insta everyday, comparing, ruminating, making myself sad basically. I know everyone says they always affair down, but looks wise, I don’t think that can be said here and I find myself hating how I look again. And now the anniversary is approaching and it’s all coming back and it’s all I think about again. I don’t want to talk to him about it, I have no one else to talk to about it. I don’t want to deal with this right now, but I also don’t want him to think that I’m over it.
I have been hoping that maybe this complete life change might bring some forgiveness with it, might make it not worth thinking about anymore because look how good he is now kind of thing. But this change has been brought about by something else.
He said to me during his confession that he knew I was right about the changes he needed to make, he just didn’t want to do them because then he wouldn’t be able to get drugs. But the cheating was almost a year ago, the changes were requested immediately, the relapse started a few months ago. What was his excuse before then?
This is the most seriously I’ve seen him react to his addiction, and the lowest I saw him during his confession. I don’t want to do anything that might harm his recovery during these early days, as it’s only been a few weeks. He’s also talking to me about it so much more than he ever has, he’s telling me all about the meetings, he’s telling me what he’s thinking and feeling about all of it, good and bad.
I don’t know what to do with all these feelings I have that seem to have rushed back in out of nowhere. I really wasn’t thinking about it all that much, now I’m back to thinking about it almost all day everyday.
Sorry for the long post, just needed to let it all out somewhere.
8 comments posted: Wednesday, January 15th, 2025
Feel like I'm going insane.
Sorry for my many threads here lately, it is all A LOT right now.
For context, I've asked my WS to move out after Christmas, said he can stay here until he finds a place, etc.
I genuinely feel like I am going crazy the last week or so? I just cannot seem to control my emotions or my nervous system or anything. I feel like my brain is just in panic mode 24/7 and I don't know what to do. I am flipping at WS over every tiny little thing. He is not helping by still putting me in situations that would cause me to panic, like a work Christmas party and another night out with friends where he stayed at a friends so he's been out all night. Just found out he stayed at a female friend's house, not the male friend's house like he had told me beforehand. I know this female friend, they have been friends for so long, I don't really think anything happened. But I lost my mind. Shouting, crying, everything. 0 to 100 in a second.
I seem to be having these huge reactions to things that in a normal relationship, I would not have an issue with. I mean, we don't actually have a relationship anymore do we so why does it even matter?
I've got to the point where I feel like I need to be away from him because my brain just can't handle being around him.
Is this normal? Have I gone crazy? Will it get better when he moves out?
I'm sick of myself at this point, I don't want to be like this anymore.
5 comments posted: Saturday, December 21st, 2024
Another rant. Struggling today.
We’ve decided that he’ll move out after Christmas.
I’m feeling so disappointed and angry and feel like I have so much to say to him still but it feels pointless. I wrote it all down earlier and then had a good cry about it.
I’m just so frustrated. Why did it come to this? Why couldn’t he understand? Why couldn’t he do the work? Why have I spent the last year constantly thinking, researching, reading, watching videos, trying to come up with solutions to fix this while he not only did nothing of his own accord, but told me anything I sent him needed to be ‘peer reviewed’ for him to take it seriously? Why did he continue doing things that made me uncomfortable and untrusting? Why did me setting boundaries have to turn into arguments? Why have I spent so many nights at home alone while he’s out doing the things that I asked him not to do?
And now he’s looking all sad that I want to end things as if he did any real work to repair what he broke. It’s infuriating but also, just makes me really sad. I’m so disappointed with the way things have turned out. I don’t want to accept it, but I know I have to. I’m so mad at him for what he’s done to me and our family. I can barely look at him right now. I desperately want to reach out and beg him to do something, but I’m not going to do that.
8 comments posted: Monday, December 16th, 2024
Decision has been made
It’s done. We’ve decided to separate.
We’re going to try to get through the next couple of weeks and then he’ll start looking for his own place. Ideally I’d want him to go before any big work trips, next big one being beginning of February, but rental costs have sky rocketed around here and I think he may struggle to find a place.
Any tips on how to manage this part of things - separating but still living together - would be much appreciated please.
I’ve found the anger has come back a lot today, but I don’t want to lash out, I want to keep that under control. I’m incredibly angry that after everything I’ve put up with (including stuff before the cheating), and everything I’ve sacrificed and given to this relationship, he chose a job he’s been in for just over a year over me. He says it’s not like that, but I can’t see it any other way. I’ve never been a top priority.
I’m already feeling sad that this will be our last Christmas all together as a family.
Just a lot of emotions but I don’t want this to become messy. I want to keep it together as best I can.
11 comments posted: Friday, December 13th, 2024
How to make the decision
My WS has asked me to decide very soon whether or not I want to continue trying to R or separate.
For some background, he has a ONS at the beginning of the year, I found out a few days later, and things have obviously been very up and down since then. We are very different people, and I often wonder if maybe we just weren’t very compatible from the start.
He cheated while working away, I have asked him multiple times now to quit/take a break from that job as I’m struggling with it and he has said no every time. He has made some concessions around the job in regards to his behaviour, but ultimately the trust has gone and those small concessions are not enough to put my mind at ease. I have had quite bad anxiety and depression for the last two months in particular. I’m finding it hard to function. There is still love there on both sides and he doesn’t want to leave, and when I initially asked him to leave right after DDay, he begged to come back.
Now, he’s said he’s struggling with the not knowing what’s going to happen, feels constantly on edge that I’m going to kick him out at any minute, and just wants me to make a decision. This is coming after another request that he stop working away for a while, which he’s refused.
The problem I’m having is that I am 90% sure that the best thing for both of us right now, is to separate. It is not working, we are constantly butting heads and can’t make sense of the way the other one thinks or feels. While I feel I’m entitled to lay down what may appear to be extreme boundaries right now, he feels that his actions don’t give me the ‘right’ to tell him what to do. (I’m not telling him what to do, I’m expressing my feelings and discomfort with things that he does).
How did you get the courage to call it quits? If I take myself out of this and look at it from above, obviously we should separate. It’s been almost a year, we’re not getting anywhere, I have nothing else to give him right now. It makes sense.
But I just feel so guilty about actually pulling the plug. I feel like I’ve tried my best, but I can’t live like this, so what other choice do I have.
I just can’t get over the guilt of being the one to say ‘I’m out’ and the fear that I will regret not trying or that things will be worse. My brain and my heart are having a full on battle and I feel like I’m just standing in the middle not sure what side to take, getting hit from all angles.
20 comments posted: Friday, December 6th, 2024
Trial Separation
Has anyone here tried a trial separation?
I’m considering suggesting it to my WS, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. I just feel like I need a break from everything to think clearly.
6 comments posted: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024
Just Need to Rant
My WS has had a problem with drinking too much alcohol/staying out late/lying about it until the next day for quite some time now. After his ONS we made a deal he wouldn't drink anymore, especially while away. This has been broken a few times while away and has obviously really upset me.
Last night it happened at home. He finished work late (day job in our city), said he was going to a friends house straight from work, which already annoyed me because we'd had a big argument the day before about me having to take on most of the household responsibilities, but said he wouldn't be back late. Time was getting on and I had no word from him. He came back at 1am drunk.
I don't have it in me anymore. I am drained. So much so that I can't even face the energy it would involve for separation. I feel so stuck, both ways suck, I just want peace and calm and to not feel on edge wondering when the next lie will be, what he'll do next. Why can't he just be a good partner? Why can't he just do what he needs to do? I'm so frustrated and honestly just really, really sad. I am so sad all the time. I can't seem to gather the energy to make this better for myself and do what I need to do.
12 comments posted: Friday, November 29th, 2024
I’ve been reading these forums for a while now but yet to post, I didn’t feel ready.
I’m 9 months out from DDay. My partner had a ONS while away for a work, a job he’s still in and refuses to leave. It involves a lot of travel, mostly 1-3 days here and there, but sometimes longer, one trip this year was six weeks. He loves his job, it’s hard to get one and the same field that doesn’t involve travel. He did look but I didn’t like the amount of travel that came with the jobs he found, they seemed worse.
Aside from this he’s taken some actions on improving himself, has changed the way he behaves while away for a work in that he no longer involves himself in social activities, just works and returns to the hotels afterwards, he’s stopped drinking, he calls and texts a lot when he’s away, he’s putting in more of an effort at home, and has taken on a second job that is more steady and local and helps more financially.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading and ‘soul searching’ I guess and this has been up and down. I feel like I’m always realising something new about myself/our relationship that I hadn’t noticed before.
We tried MC immediately after DDay which was an awful idea but she did point out some things I hadn’t noticed, like how he makes big decisions that affect me/the kids without me.
He won’t allow me full access to his phone/laptop, although he does tell me the code but he doesn’t like me looking through it because it’s an ‘invasion of privacy’ and says he has a right to have private conversations with his friends. I wouldn’t like him reading my messages with my friends either so I wavered on this and said I can ask to look at who he’s been messaging any time I want. I haven’t actually done this at all yet, but one night last week, I noticed him delete a message thread on WhatsApp so I asked who it was. It was one of his friends (female but I have no concerns there) so I asked why he deleted it. He said she’d asked how we were doing (she knows about everything) and he had said that I’d been really mad at him that week and then he thought I might get mad that he said that so he deleted it. Thing is, I wouldn’t have asked to read those messages. If I looked at who he was texting, I’d only be looking for questionable people, ie females that I don’t know or would have reservations about.
So that’s spun me out.
Another thing is I asked him to book the whole month around our DDay anniversary off working away (which is totally doable with notice). He’s booked one trip off, in which he’d be returning to the country of where he cheated and would be on DDay. Although he left that a while because ‘I hoped you might change your mind’.
He has another trip at the beginning of that month for a week far away, which is also the week of my birthday, and he said that seemed like over kill.
My dilemma now is, I can’t decide whether to keep trying, whether to dig my heels in about these things that are bothering me, whether to just accept the good that he is doing and take that for now. I don’t know what I’m doing.
I’ve seen a lot of people say they feel they didn’t know their WS, that they looked at the differently after. Thing is, I tried to block this out, but I always felt like this would happen one day. I always thought his boundaries with women were a little skewed and that he was always looking for something else, like I was never enough. We’ve been together fifteen years, and over that time, I’ve counted nine women he’s been involved with in some way or another (mostly when we were younger and off and on, but four of them since we had kids - one an EA (which he still refuses to accept), one an inappropriate friendship, one a girl he met on dating apps while we were broken up for a short time and slept with, and the ONS). Throw in some alcohol and drug problems, I feel like he’s always looking for something more.
Yet he won’t leave. He doesn’t want to leave and when I made him leave, he begged to come back. Swears he loves me, can’t live without me.
And I’m just very very confused and honestly very very depressed lately. I’m at a complete loss at what to do. How do I make such a big decision? We have three kids aged 7-14. I just feel so stuck. One minute I think oh he’s trying so hard, cut him some slack and the next I’m raging about not only the ONS but stuff he did years ago that I should probably be over by now but I clearly just rug swept at the time.
I’m so overwhelmed by it all I can’t think straight anymore.
20 comments posted: Friday, November 22nd, 2024