Newest Member: Lowlife1996


Never thought it would come to this

Today march 10 marks one year since d day hit me like a ton of bricks landed on me and changed my life forever. I never posted my story anywhere else and have been reading so many on SI and wish that I would of found it sooner.I will try to give a brief story of my journey that Ive been on since .Me BS 57 and ww52 married which would have been 25 years in December ,been together for 36 years.She’s basically been gone for almost 9 months now and living with AP.Our 15 year old daughter is living with me and that is one of the reasons why I have held off on moving forward with the divorce. That and everything that she has done and put me through I still love her and would try to reconcile if she was willing.WW still comes to visit her and takes her to school every day but other than that she’s been doing very little in her life since this all happened .Its so hard for me to fathom that everything that was,can be gone in the blink of an eye.We pretty much did everything together and that’s what is so hard now is that I’m alone and just sit and think of what we had .WW says she still loves me but is in a different place at the moment and she doesn’t know if she can give him up and remain faithful if we were to reconcile.She’s basically leaving all this up to me to deal with the divorce and I’m just having such a hard time with pulling the trigger .

14 comments posted: Monday, March 11th, 2024

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