Newest Member: BrightStar13


I'm gonna put him in his place
With charm and grace
Elegance and style. -The Films

Waiting for a heartfelt apology

An apology is what I really need from my WS. He just says "I'm sorry. I need help."
His mistress gave me a better apology. I left my number on her door as well as a message on her ring camera (for her and her husband) I was not going to suffer alone and felt like he should know.
When we talked I told her I just needed her to be honest with me.
She corroborated most of his claims but there were a couple that he is still lying about. Sad that I believe his "sex partner" (he hates when I call her his girlfriend)
She seemed very sincere. Asked me not to hate her, apologized, said she would never message him again, apologized again, explained that she just liked someone messaging her, etc.
I will let you guys know if I get an actual apology.

10 comments posted: Wednesday, September 27th, 2023

Waiting for a heartfelt apology (moved to General)

  This Topic has been moved to General

0 comment posted: Wednesday, September 27th, 2023


Do you have crazy dreams? I just had a dream that my H and kids were tied up by a home invasion.
I lost them all.
I feel like this is stress induced.
I am so exhausted.
I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow.
I wish I could sleep. What is wrong with me?

14 comments posted: Wednesday, September 27th, 2023

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