Newest Member: CapitalSix


What are they fantasizing about while self-pleasuring?

What are the chances that my WW thinks of AP when she pleasures herself? Long story short my WW and I have a collection of adult toys we use for foreplay that are kept in a draw by the bed I leave early for work before she gets up in the morning and about 6 months ago, I started wondering if she used them while I am not around so I positioned them so that if they were moved and not put back exactly the same I would know well it turns out that she does use them not a lot probably 3 times a month I don't want to embarrass her by telling her I know and suffer the anger from her by my sneaking around and even if I could ask her she would never admit that she has him in mind. I do not have a problem with her pleasuring herself when I am not around, and I confess I masturbate like everyone else but would be upset if she was masturbating to the images of AP. So, a simple question to WS if you do this on your own do you think of AP when doing it? and BS do you think WW’s do?

Side note WW affair was over 20 years ago.

14 comments posted: Tuesday, October 17th, 2023

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