Newest Member: SincerelyConfused


Patrick Vintson

WW flooding.

When we try to discuss the betrayal she breaks down crying and I can’t understand half of what she is saying. Is this a real response or manipulation to stop the discussion?

6 comments posted: Friday, August 16th, 2024


I’m a BS trying R with my WW. I am going to start IC and would like some advice on what to look for in a therapist. My WW is already in IC.
I’m having a tough time with everything.
Any advice on picking a therapist?

5 comments posted: Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Finally some truth!!!

After years of saying she and AP didn’t have penetrating sex, she finally confessed. She says that he used a condom and was only one time. Nearly another time but she refused because he didn’t have a condom.
After all the lies I believe that they did it more times and possibly no protection. She just can’t seem to tell the truth about the A. Still in R for the time being. We shall see!!!

13 comments posted: Wednesday, August 16th, 2023


Does anyone have any recommendations for a good book on mindfulness?

3 comments posted: Monday, January 9th, 2023

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