Newest Member: DCS72


I’m so scared for my kids

I’m so sad and so scared. My idiot WS has decided we can’t R even though I was willing to. We were supposed to move as a family to a new city and my youngest daughter was set to start school there in the fall. He has now decided that we will stay where we are while he moves alone. My daughter was so excited about this new city and new school and it’s always been our dream to live there. Now we have to tell her today that only her dad is moving. My oldest is going away to college this fall and the rug will be pulled out from under her right before she leaves to live on her own for the first time.

I hate him so much for doing this to our family. I don’t know how to get my kids through this.

Please tell me it will be okay.

9 comments posted: Saturday, August 21st, 2021

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