Newest Member: Lowlife1996


Rusty: You scared?Linus: You suicidal?Rusty: Only in the morning.

My love of this site

I absolutely LOVE this site!

It gives me so much to be thankful for-- minds that think like mine; minds that do not think like mine (and cause me to think beyond my own thoughts); a space for waywards that is semi-protected (in as much as a stop sign is used or not used); the potential for growth in myself (my core obsession at this point in my journey).

I could go on and on...

For me personally, it is rewarding to know that I have matured to a point where I can think beyond "group-think." That I have matured beyond thinking that there is only one absolute or "right" way to view a circumstance or to determine an outcome.

My skies are multi-faceted, and the colors in my sky are unlimited.

I feel free. It is so invogorating!

5 comments posted: Sunday, December 20th, 2020

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