Newest Member: BrightStar13


This will stop at some point, right???


My XWW has been so difficult to deal with. I have been separated since Nov. 2020 and the D was final in March 2021, but she still is so very bitter and angry. She mainly texts to let me know what bad dad I am and what a "joke" I have always been. I had the crazy idea that these things would lessen in time, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I know that I should not take any of it to heart, but it does piss me off. I mainly ignore it, but have responded at times reminding her that she caused all of this-and that I gave her 3 years to try and make it work. How do I get this crap to stop? I have researched dealing with high conflict ex-spouses, dealing with a narcissistic ex-spouse (which she nails to the T), and the research indicates that ignoring is the best way to go, but with kids and the persistent badgering-it makes it difficult. Any insight of what has worked for you is greatly appreciated!

She is a drinker and these texts seemed to be alcohol-induced.

17 comments posted: Tuesday, July 6th, 2021

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