Newest Member: Nothingreallymatters


Kitty Constipation!

Well the SI community always come up with good advice - so here goes!

My poor fur baby is in hospital having to have an enema under anaesthetic due to impacted poo. She has struggled with constipation off and on since she was run over by a car ten years ago, which broke her leg, shunted her pelvis. I feel really bad we didn't realise this time it was so much worse. It's also costing £1,300 - yikes!

Once she is home, we need some way of preventing it happening again. She has had lactose in the past - but didn't seem to work too well - although our vet at the time didn't suggest using it on a daily small maintenance dose - which this one has.

Anyone else any experience of the pastes you can use such as katalax? Or any other suggestions for something I can use on a daily/weekly maintenance basis?

Thanks in advance!

2 comments posted: Friday, July 15th, 2022

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