Happy Father’s Day
I hope your day is wonderful and that you’re spoiled and loved on. Happy Father’s Day to the dads out there.
4 comments posted: Sunday, June 19th, 2022
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Why does it make me smile saying that? Because I'm visiting OK in less than two weeks. I'm beyond elated!
Post divorce. It's been exactly 5 months since my divorce but over 2.5 years since separating. I feel free, relieved, and grateful I can breathe again. I would be lying if I said I don't experience moments of loneliness. I'm navigating through that.
Pre-Covid, I was an avid traveler. I have booked my first trip. In less than two weeks I'll be in Tulsa for a few days along with visting Pawhuska to see the Pioneer Woman's stomping ground and lodge. (If you cook, you know what I mean). I'm excited to see the beautiful terrain of OK; its praries, ranches, wildlife, but also experience the city of Tulsa. The skyline looks beautiful and the parks around the city seem incredible.
So question for those who live near or have been. Must sees while visiting Tulsa?
10 comments posted: Wednesday, October 7th, 2020